When a defendant enters a guilty plea, whether a straight plea of guilty, or of nolo contendere, or an Alford plea, the judge reviews it, to be sure the defendant understands what is happening. Often, a defendant may strongly maintain their innocence for several reasons, such as civil liability or simply their righteous indignation. For those unwilling to take that risk, this plea can immediately release them from prison with credit for time served. While other suspects were "This is a type of plea not recognised in Australia, whereby a defendant is able to acknowledge that the available evidence is sufficient to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt without admitting commission of the offences charged. In addition, it keeps the police from investigating more deeply, which would likely lead them to discover his drug business, which would in turn expose him to a very severe penalty indeed. However, an Alford plea is a complex tool and must be properly understood and entered in order to be effectively used. Although the theory of the Alford plea may seem positive facially, in practice, this plea is often abused or creates negative results from its use. https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/alford-pleas-a-violation-of-rights-or-psychological-salve/(accessed December 13, 2018). Often, they occur on the eve of trial when the parties want to come to a resolution, but the defendant really wants to The DPP had argued the profits of his memoir, titled Guantanamo: My Journey, were the proceeds of crime. You may opt-out by. The case eventually made its way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which took on the decision of whether the trial court had committed a constitutional error in accepting Alfords guilty plea, even while he maintained his innocence. An Alford plea allows a defendant to plead guilty while maintaining their innocence. We're punishing an innocent person!" The Alford plea came out of North Carolina v. Alford, where the Supreme Court of the United States held that judges do not violate due process by accepting guilty pleas from defendants who simultaneously assert their innocence. [11] In 1963, Henry Alford was indicted for first-degree murder, which at the time automatically called for the death penalty when the conviction followed a plea of innocence. He was released from prison and remained under house arrest and ordered to wear an ankle monitor. Copyright 2022, Thomson Reuters. Alford pleas: A Violation of Rights or a Psychological Slave?. They may have an automatic right to appeal a denial of a motion to suppress evidence, although sometimes the prosecution will ask them to waive this right as part of a plea bargain. Alford was offered a plea deal in which, if he pled guilty to second-degree murder, he would receive a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison. Alford was offered a plea deal in which, if he pled guilty to second-degree murder, he would receive a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison. about FindLaws newsletters, including our terms of use and privacy policy. The U.S. Supreme Court reversed the lower court's decision and held that there were no constitutional barriers to accepting a guilty plea despite protests of innocence as long as: To learn how Alford pleas work in your jurisdiction, you may want to consult a criminal defense lawyer in your area. The Supreme Court has allowed for a defendant to plead to a criminal charge while still maintaining their innocence. The Supreme Court ruled that since Alford was informed by his lawyers of the consequences of accepting the lesser charge, he could choose the lesser charge and face those punishments, even while claiming he was innocent. Alford agreed to plead guilty to second-degree murder, according to the U.S. Justice Department. [14], According to the Court, [o]rdinarily, a judgment of conviction resting on a plea of guilty is justified by the defendants admission that he committed the crime charged against him and his consent that judgment be entered without a trial of any kind. [15] However, it quantified that while most pleas of guilty consist of both a waiver of trial and an express admission of guilt, the latter element is not a constitutional requisite to the imposition of criminal penalty. [16] Therefore, a defendant may voluntarily, knowingly, and understandingly consent to the imposition of a prison sentence even if he is unwilling or unable to admit his participation in the acts constituting the crime. [17], After this case, defendants would be permitted to profess their innocence but also plead guilty if the plea is favorable to the defendant and the government can demonstrate a strong factual basis for the plea even where the defendant swears under oath, under penalty of perjury, that he or she did not commit the offense to which the plea of guilty is being entered. [18], The Alford plea has plenty of negative aspects. [7], An Alford plea is a guilty plea entered by a criminal defendant who does not admit guilt but nevertheless pleads guilty as part of a plea bargain. [8] Steven Braga, a D.C. Attorney from Damiens defense team, said [t]he Alford plea was the only compromise I could come up with to try to bridge the gap between the States absolute refusal to drop the charges and the Threes absolute demand to maintain their innocence of crimes they did not commit. [9] Prosecuting attorney, Scott Ellington, saw the Alford plea as an opportunity to put the case of the West Memphis Three to rest. Copyright 2023 The University of Alabama Out of fear for his life, Alford plead guilty in order to avoid the death penalty, later filing a writ of habeas corpus that eventually led his case to the Supreme Court. Juris Magazine does not warrant, either expressly or impliedly, the accuracy, timeliness, or appropriateness of the information contained on this website. That said, a plea bargain is an agreement between the defendant and the prosecutor. Baltimore to Pay Largest settlement in City History-$9 million-to Man Wrongfully Convicted of, Murder. As a matter of practice, you do not see Alford pleas entered in court frequently. For 18 years, Damien, Jason, and Jesse sat behind bars, having appeal after appeal denied. Visit our attorney directory to find a lawyer near you who can help. [5] Then, in a remarkable change of events, The West Memphis Three walked free on August 19, 2011. reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Brian Banks was wrongfully convicted of rape because he chooses to take a plea deal, which was the lesser sentence then spending 41 years in prison. This is referred to as a Brady violation(8), named after the 1963 Supreme Court case in which the court stated that the suppression of evidence favorable to the accused upon request violates the due process where evidence is material to either guilt or punishment(9). Though overwhelming evidence showed that Henry Alford likely shot someone to death, Alford maintained his innocence. This often takes the form of a brief discussion in court, in which the judge asks whether the defendant understands that he is accepting punishment as though he is guilty, even if he is making an Alford plea, or no contest. In 1963, Henry Alford was accused and charged with first-degree murder, which made him eligible for the death penalty in his state of North Carolina. code or county). Her tragic death has been analyzed by true crime junkies and told via two television series streaming now. In the judges review of the plea, he must determine that the defendant is knowingly and intelligently accepting the guilty, or Alford, plea. | Privacy For these reasons, Alford pleas at times may seem to work in favor of the defendant and their best wishes, but functionally, Alford is used in a much different way that does not yield as positive results. Because Alford pleas are usually used in the context of a plea bargain. He claims he found her there but the amount of blood at the scene and the multitude of injuries on her body immediately made him the prime suspect. The record before the judge contains strong evidence of actual guilt. The Supreme Court took up the case to allow for these circumstances. 5. The effect of an Alford plea includes the obvious benefit of a getting a break on a potentially severe sentence; it may also serve to protect the defendant from being charged with other related crimes. A. Many believe Peterson is guilty of murder. The Alford plea is not the best choice in all circumstances. In some situations, the prosecution or the judge will allow the defendant to make a conditional plea only if the plea is a guilty plea rather than a no contest plea. What is an Alford plea? [13] At trial, Alford took the stand and swore he did not commit the murder: After giving his version of the events of the night of the murder, Alford stated: I pleaded guilty on second degree murder because they said there is too much evidence, but I aint shot no man, but I take the fault for the other man. The defendant on the other hand knows that they were already convicted once and that this could happen again, and they are already in prison so they have nothing to lose and everything to gain by entering an Alford plea in exchange for their freedom. The importance of Alford case is that the Supreme Court approved the idea of a supposedly innocent person taking a lesser charge, assuming there was enough evidence against them, to get a lesser punishment. Alford pleas are not your typical plea. The rub: Alford pleas have the same legal end-result as a straight-up guilty plea. While Alford pleas may give a Defendant the peace of mind that they admitted to the judge that they are guilty of the crime or crimes charged, the plea is the functional equivalent of a guilty plea. An Alford plea is essentially a no contest plea. Throughout time, the use of the Alford plea has begun to show that practically, this deal has benefited the prosecution greatly, to the detriment to the defendant as well as the justice system as a whole. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This can help a defendant avoid collateral consequences in a civil lawsuit that arises from the same events as the criminal case. Disclaimer: The views expressed on the Commentary are solely those of the authors, and do not reflect the views of the LRC or the University of Alabama. Contact us. State prosecutors insisted to both men that they still had enough evidence to keep them on the murder convictions, and if they went to trial they would remain locked up. The prosecutor and defendant must both agree to any plea bargain and the same holds for an Alford plea. TermsPrivacyDisclaimerCookiesDo Not Sell My Information, Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, use enter to select, Please enter a legal issue and/or a location, (city, In California, they are called pleas Pursuant to People v. West, which is the California Supreme Court case which stands for the same proposition., Ritter understands both sides as he is a former Los Angeles County prosecutor who now defends the accused as a partner with Werksman Jackson & Quinn LLP. A man named Henry Alford had been charged with first I don't really understand the example you use unless I've misread or misunderstood. Alford was charged with his murder and Michael Peterson has consistently maintained his innocence in the 2001 death of his wife, Kathleen. Q [by Alfords attorney]. Since it is a guilty plea, it's likely to show up on background checks. Henry Alford died in prison, just five years after the High Courts ruling. Later, on appeal, his attorneys argued that Alford was coerced into taking the plea to avoid dire consequences, not because he was guilty of the crime. In Baltimore Maryland in the year 1998, James L. Owens and James A. Thompson were both convicted of the rape and murder of 24-year old college student Colleen Williar (1). Essentially, the court was approving the most extreme types of plea bargaining: a supposedly innocent person accepting lesser punishment for a crime they didn't commit. WebBecause Alford pleas are usually used in the context of a plea bargain. They may be able to make an Alford plea, depending on the state where they live. Henry Alford had been charged with a murder that he maintained he did not commit. These include: The right to have an attorney (if he is not already represented), The right to confront and cross examine his accusers. What effect does an Alford plea have on you or your case? He won't make a deal pleading guilty tho. There was a lot of strong evidence against Alford, and his criminal defense lawyer recommended a guilty plea. For the latest information, searchABC Emergency, For the latestweather warnings in the Northern Territory, search onABC Emergency, Follow the action from the third Test between India and Australia in Delhi in our live blog. A recent case shows how Alford pleas are used in practice. Welcome to the Capstone Commentary, an online platform where students interested in legal research can test their hand at writing about the law. ProPublica.com. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. During the party, a man Johnny did not know showed up with one of Johnnys friends. Accessed 1 Mar. Manage Settings Juris Magazine disclaims any responsibility for content errors, omission, or infringing material and disclaims any responsibility associated with relying on information provided on this website. NFLX If the D.A. The appellate court upheld the conviction, stating that Alford had entered the plea fully understanding what it meant. https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/400/25/(accessed December 13, 2018). Is that different from pleading No Contest? 68 (2003)1-33. Gunna was sentenced to five years with one served in prison. Maybe the evidence is strong against him but he has a brother with similar attributes and DNA. The name, Alford plea, is taken from the caseNorth Carolina v. Alford. The Alford plea arises from a Supreme Court case where Alford plead guilty to a lesser charge to get a more lenient sentence but later changed his mind and claimed he was innocent, and only plead guilty to avoid the harsher punishment. Gunna, whose real name is Sergio Kitchens, entered a negotiated plea known as an Alford plea. These developments were chronicled in Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory (2011). The rare plea serves as a final resort to avoid trial or a severe sentence for those who are indeed guilty. I watch a lot of shows and write about those that are worth the binge. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The Alford plea gets its name from a 1970 U.S. Supreme Court case, North Carolina v. Alford. Feuer, Allen. I believe, guilty pleas can be used in civil trials like injury or wrongful death suits. I plead the other way, circumstantial evidence; that the jury will prosecute me on-on the second. In its real effect, it acts as a guilty plea and a conviction. In those cases, the prosecution may realize that there is a reasonable chance that the verdict will be overturned, or they may start to believe that the defendant is truly innocent, but they want to save face (now or in the future, in case more evidence turns up) and so they agree to an Alford plea, rather than a true guilty plea. Through the examples of these two men it is shown how the Alford Plea may have began as something that was intended to do good, but functionally has turned into something that is very much the contrary. Not only can an Alford plea count as a strike in future cases, but if the defendant already has two strikes when he accepts the plea bargain, the strike may affect sentencing on the current case. WebThe name, Alford plea, is taken from the case North Carolina v. Alford . & Pub. The crime is still on his record and he remains a convicted felon. In an Alford plea defendent maintains their innocence while admitting the evidence discovered would likely result in them being found guilty. In 2006, new DNA evidence surfaced regarding this crime that showed that both semen and blood samples found on the crime scene were not matches to either Owens or Thompson. An Alford plea would allow the surgeon to maintain an official position of 'not guilty' to contest the civil and disciplinary charges. Last reviewed October 2022 The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. By allowing a defendant who claims their innocence to plead guilty, this leaves these cases closed. ", He explains why a man like Peterson, who maintained his claims of innocence for 16 years, would take such a deal. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. My question is, if you're able to plead guilty while saying that you're innocent, why would anyone ever plead regular guilty? The statement said Hicks had challenged the admissibility of the documentary evidence against him, including the certificate of conviction from the Guantanamo military court and the transcripts of the court's hearings. Terms of Service apply. Such things as the judges memory of having dealt with the defendant before, or even a consideration of how the community feels about the case, could affect the judges opinion. It's a hail Mary type of plea, usually, to avoid a case going to trial and likely being lost. A judge vacated the verdict in 2011 and granted a new trial when it was revealed that there was tainted blood spatter evidence and one of the prosecutions witnesses had committed perjury. 412.396.6300. WebThe Alford plea allows defendants to maintain their innocence while accepting a plea. This morning, lawyers for the DPP told the Supreme Court in Sydneythe case had been dropped but did not say why. The Alford plea isn't an admission of guilt, quite the opposite, it is an assertion of innocence, but an acknowledgement that the prosecution has sufficient evidence to bring charges, and likely a conviction against the defendant. The rapper was facing one count of violation of Racketeer Influenced and Corruption Act. What do you think? It was named after Henry Alford, a southern black man with a long rap sheet who, in 1970, was tried for the 1963 murder of a man in North Carolina. By this time, Peterson knew there was corruption in his first case and feared that culture still existed and could hurt him in a second trial. I always assumed an Alford plea would only be used in a case where there is evidence against the suspect but a catch. The Alford plea is named after the 1970 U.S. Supreme Court case North Carolina v. Alford. Rose, Megan. Analyzed by true crime junkies and told via two television series streaming now that worth. It meant evidence showed that henry Alford died in prison not commit but! Real effect, it 's likely to show up on background checks resort..., murder in all circumstances collateral consequences in a cookie the same holds for an Alford gets! The consent submitted will only be used in the 2001 death of his,!, according to the Capstone Commentary, an Alford plea allows a defendant may maintain... Taken from the caseNorth Carolina v. Alford bargain and the same holds for an Alford plea in an plea! 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