Suddenly he has a brilliant idea. Team; Services. He wants it to work faster! It's a disaster. It's Pirate Day on the island, and Zak has accidentally buried Panzee's new pirate hat and forgotten where it's buried. Todd is busy getting ready for the annual hairy diggle race, so Tang suggests they should write a race day Big Zing. Zak brings in a tray of bananas, which Drum accidentally knocks over. Zak offers to look after DJ Loose's aloha flower for the day. The ZingZillas gather together in the clubhouse to rehearse their new song. Todd finds the hooter and returns it to Tang. The ZingZillas rehearse the song, and it is great! Downstairs in Todd's garden Panzee suddenly hears a very high note coming from the jungle. But Todd is feeling sad. This is a disaster so Todd sets to work making a new instrument for Zak to play instead. She thinks they look like a fairytale princess and prince. He explains that going on tour is a bit like going on holiday. They start to play the song It's Good To Be Me. The ZingZillas happily play along while Granite and Gravel sing, but when they have finished Granite and Gravel aren't happy. Zak joins her and starts to sing his song Panzee, I'm Sorry. Zak plays his 'Rock Broom' throughout and Auntie Dot absolutely loves it. They have all been practising and are all ready so, as the island erupts with fireworks, the ZingZillas rush onto the stage to perform their first song - the 'Rock Guitar' song. Tang has a brilliant idea. The ZingZillas can't believe Drum has lost the castanets again. The ZingZillas listen to Jonathan Mayer who is playing the sitar. Fourmi gros . In the glade, DJ introduces Kojo, who plays the synthesiser. DJ introduces Urban Strawberry Lunch, who play instruments made up of bits and pieces of old cars that they have found. In the glade, Panzee watches the Manchester Disco Crew dance to disco music. Will they find it before the last coconut? With Drum dancing they need to find someone else to play drums. So DJ, Gravel, Granite, the Beach Byrds, Todd and the ZingBoppers all shout 'wake up ZingZillas!' She cannot wait to show off her sticker and rushes around the island to show everyone. Now Drum can make clippity cloppity noises and the ZingZillas are ready to play! DJ introduces the first song. Zak decides that they need a banana break. DJ Loose thinks he can help so Tang and DJ go to the glade. Zak thinks they were both great and still can't decide. Just then Todd calls up with a tray of drinks for the ZingZillas. Todd is having a bath having been covered in mud while using his latest potato-picking invention but when asked he is very excited about being the prince in the Big Zing Opera. It is set on a monkey-shaped tropical island where everyone joins in to create music magic. Todd with trouble finding the ZingZillas with fireflies in the way says that today's Big Zing will be at night. Gravel thinks Granite needs glasses to see better, but first the first coconut falls and they have fun with ZingZilla Rock 'n' Rollin'. When he returns to the clubhouse, the others can't understand why he only collected one stick and remind him that they need more than one to make their panpipes. They decide to write a trumpety Big Zing that will announce they are the best band in the world! While Todd goes into his cave to clean up the ZingZillas rehearse their song with Tang's music. Although rocking to the music is great fun Zak still wants to play rock guitar. Zak thinks a new sound for the Big Zing will help him come up with some words so DJ takes them to listen to Julian Bliss playing clarinet in the glade. Panzee is shocked to find out that Moaning Stones, Gravel and Granite, have never celebrated a birthday in all their many years. Over at the coconut hut, Tang and Panzee can't decide what drink to have either and back in the clubhouse Zak still can't decide what to sing about. Zak is thrilled by this. The ZingZillas wake up and ask Todd for an idea for the day's song. But there is no special guest. Zak says there is no time to play musical statues. The ZingZillas decide to do a flamenco Big Zing with Tang playing flamenco guitar, Drum playing castanets and Panzee dancing the flamenco. Here the Beach Byrds had settled in and decided they were going to stay and live on the island. Tang still can't decide on his favourite. All he has to do is press the big red button. In the Clubhouse, the ZingZillas rehearse a salsa song. The ZingZillas don't know what to do! Tang has a very complicated guitar piece to play in the Big Zing and really wants to keep practising. A band of primate friends play music in their tropical island paradise and meet different musical guests. Drum loves it! Panzee tries to cheer Drum up by telling her that she can really do it if she tries. Neither of them realises that the slide is meant to come off and think they have broken it. Fed up with Zak's behaviour, Tang, Drum and Panzee leave to set up a new band! What can the ZingZillas do? It works again until Zak mentions Yapple again! DJ Loose introduces Tang, Panzee and Drum to Stuart Zender, who is playing slap bass guitar. Now they can choose a style that will suit the Granite and Gravel song. Free delivery for many products! Tang doesn't think the hooter will sound right with his quiet and gentle piece but doesn't have the heart to tell Zak and so he decides to hide the hooter instead. They dash off to tell Zak. DJ takes Tang to the glade where they see an orchestra. It's a great success for the big zing. Drum gets very excited, but Zak pretends that he never gets excited. He explains that he has to tie the belt off to the arch and the ZingZillas think he is saying he needs them to 'march'. The ZingZillas gather together in the clubhouse to rehearse Panzee's street dance song. He takes nice photos of Tang, Zak and Drum but when it's Panzee's turn she swats away a fly just as he takes the photo. This is a problem! CBeebies | ZingZillas - S02 Episode 2 (Panzee Gets the Giggles), CBeebies-ZingZillas-S02-Episode2-Panzee-Gets-the-Giggles, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). He can only take one photo on his old camera and while the ZingZillas are helping Panzee look her best he accidentally takes the photo. Uploaded by Second Star to the Left. Granite is now fine without them, so the ZingZillas play their last favourite Big Zing Catch That Beat". He can't stop to talk because he's off to work at the coconut hut. Tang thinks it is perfect for a huffing and puffing song. Tang, Panzee and Drum have come up with a great tune for the Big Zing but Zak just can't think of any words to go with it. Panzee wonders what DJ would like to do for his birthday and Zak decides to ask DJ himself. In the clubhouse Zak is trying to write a song called The Big Noise Song. She thinks it is a great instrument for the Big Zing and rushes back to tell the others. Panzee is thrilled the show started so well but quickly becomes concerned again when Todd does further over-enthusiastic whacks on his gong whilst introducing Granite and Gravel's mango-blowing act. DJ explains that electric guitars are loud so that they can play in large places. Who will count coconuts with him now? It's a great success. Tang rushes to DJ Loose for help. He tries to shock Zak, but that doesn't work and when he makes a scary face that just makes Zak laugh and produce even more bubbles. Panzee decides she is going to make everyone on the island's wishes come true and she heads off. DJ introduces Melanie Oesch - she is a yodeller from Switzerland. How will he think of words in time for the Big Zing? The other ZingZillas realise that there is a problem and follow Zak as he heads back to the bamboo bush for yet another attempt. Zak says that everyone must bogle to the island beat! However, at the moment that Panzee is supposed to dance, all she does is fall over. The ZingZillas love it and are really excited about playing it in the Big Zing. The ZingZillas enjoy watching a flamenco performance with Spanish guitar and a flamenco dancer. The ZingZillas cannot decide what to call their song. What are they going to do? renato's palm beach happy hour Uncovering hot babes since 1919. In fact, she wants to fly so much, she has decided that she is not going to play in the Big Zing until she can! When DJ explains that this style of music is called oompah because of the sound the tuba makes, Tang suddenly realises that the twisty thing Todd gave him is in fact a tuba - not a vase or a fruit bowl. Another loud groan from the banana-picking machine sends him fleeing yet again with only one piece of bamboo. Didgeridoo Hullabaloo (Series 1, Episode 1), A Great Place to Live (Series 1, Episode 11), Welcome Beach Byrds (Series 1, Episode 14), Keep Your Castanets (Series 1, Episode 17), This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, at 17:28. Tang suggests that she needs to practise but Panzee doesn't listen. The ZingZillas wake up and ask Todd for an idea for a song. As Zak collects a stick, the banana-picking machine makes a strange noise which scares Zak and he runs off with only one stick. Zak and Tang go to and ask DJ for advice, while Drum stays in the clubhouse to nurse Panzee. Todd won't let Zak have his spare belt from the arch because the machine will fall apart, so he decides the only belt is from his trousers. The others remind him that they need to get the Big Zing ready. Every time he makes a robot voice he starts to cough. Drum isn't going to be able to get her drums back in time for the Big Zing. It is a brilliant song to march to and Tang, Panzee and Zak are soon marching around the clubhouse to the music. Panzee desperately wants the show to be perfect but is already worried that Todd's over-enthusiastic gonging may spoil it. They realise they should sing all about making choices - after all, they've had difficulty choosing all day! The lyrics to the chorus are about how the ZingZillas are the best band in the land. on July 29, 2019. The others try to help him but he will never be able to learn in time for the Big Zing so heads over to DJ Loose for some advice. Todd can't decide what to paint. Tang thinks this is a great lyric for the song, so the ZingZillas practice their race song, You Can Really Do It if You Try. Milo Jennings They think of a song while they are listing all the fun things you can do at a fair. Panzee is not sure she likes the new Zak. They're now ready to play! Drum already has her toothbrush ready! The ZingZillas wake up and ask Todd for an idea for a song. Todd is very excited because it is the day of the Island Fair, and he needs to find some good dancers for it. Tang can't decide what to do, so DJ Loose suggests that Tang could put photos of all the guests who have played in the glade in his photo album. When Rie has finished, Zak has a wonderful idea - he won't sing in a robot voice, he'll dance like a robot instead! Gangsta Granny. Todd keeps saying sorry. Panzee comes up with the solution. Without the castanets there can be no Big Zing, so Todd sets out to find them one more time. In Todd's garden Zak bumps into the post box as he can't see properly through his new shades. Every Zingbop performed is of course "the best Zingbop ever". Drum gets back to the glade and then decides she wants her cushion too. Eventually the ZingZillas found Todd and together they found a trail of Beach Byrd feathers leading all the way back to the coconut hut. Zak is not happy though - he really wants to play rock guitar too and announces that he does not want to be in the Big Zing unless he can play guitar. Zak is at a complete loss and announces that he will not be in the Big Zing. In the meantime Drum has enjoyed watching a Bhangra group performing in the glade. Panzee wonders if the kora will give her any ideas for cheering up Gravel and Granite. Zak starts to practise scatting but just can't seem to get it right. Zak asks him what a telescope does and Todd explains that you use it to see things in space. Tang realises that he's going to be the soloist in the Big Zing and to get his solo just right Tang needs peace and quiet but he doesn't get that in the clubhouse with the other ZingZillas playing tickle chase. Zak and Tang are astonished - Panzee can make wishes come true just by rubbing her ear! They all love the sad sound of country music. Back in Todd's garden Zak tells the others he wants to be the only one singing today's Big Zing. Back at the clubhouse the ZingZillas rehearse a line dancing song. Todd uses his ideas machine but it takes too long for Zak. Zak will be the story teller and Sarah will be the princess but they need someone else with an operatic voice to play the prince. There's a type of music called rock 'n' roll - the ZingZillas can play a rock 'n' roll song! The ZingZillas wonder how they can possibly practise the Big Zing with all those lights flashing. The ZingZillas have a swinging train song to sing, so DJ introduces us to the BBC Big Band playing a train-sort of tune, but Panzee and Zak can't agree who is going to be the driver of the train - whether "choo-choo" or "whoo-whoo!". They make up their own dance moves, spinning, tumbling and jumping. ZingZillas: Series 1: A Great Place to Live Annawise79 Follow Zak discovers Todd stuck behind a load of boxes in his cave. When the Beach Byrds hear the ZingZillas rehearsing loudly they decide to move out of the coconut hut. Just at the crashiest, bashiest moment, Drum breaks her cymbal. Zak loves the percussive sounds. Zingzillas - The Z Factor on Vimeo 11:30 Zingzillas - The Z Factor Not Yet Rated 8 years ago Daniel Edwards Pitched stories, wrote treatments and commissioned to write this episode for CBeebies. DJ Loose introduces them to Chris Lowe, who is playing the trombone. He dashes back to the coconut hut with the aloha flower just as DJ arrives. Last ever episode. They're ready to play! They love the idea of leaving the island and even decide to do the Big Zing on the boat. Panzee is over the moon and cherishes the sticker. He has promised to grow Granite and Gravel a sunflower. Zak thinks they must have it for the Big Zing so they all head off searching for it. The ZingZillas wake up and ask Todd for an idea for the day's song. In the glade, Tang sees the Hertfordshire Showband perform a marching version of When the Saints Go Marching In. He dashes back to the others. Tang is intrigued by a twisty object which is covered in creepers and goes to show the others. Gravel and Granite then persuade Todd to lend them his sofa and watch another Big Zing - Julian Lloyd Webber playing the cello with the ZingZillas. DJ Loose introduces Nuline Dance Cumbria. 2008 redeem team starting 5; who is sarah davis married to; Zak is really struggling and each time he writes a word on a piece of paper, he just scrunches it up and throws it over his shoulder. Zak realises that perhaps he shouldn't have been so rude to Panzee. It's the perfect jogging and moving, dancing and grooving song for the Big Zing so they decide to head back to the clubhouse to practise it with Drum. Then Tang has an idea! Then Drum could listen to them and play music. Todd couldn't find them anywhere but the Beach Byrds managed to find the Moaning Stones and their way to the glade, where they watched a gamelan performance. on the Internet. So Gravel and Granite have nothing to do. Eventually he is jumping around so much he wears himself out and flops down on a beanbag. The ZingZillas love the sound and Zak particularly likes the way they play their rock guitars, so they decide to do a rock music Big Zing and head back to the clubhouse to rehearse. Drum suggests they sing a song about the three little pigs and the wolf who huffed and puffed and blew their house down. They love the way the strings make a bendy sound and Drum suggests they create a sitar Big Zing. In the jungle, Panzee and Zak find DJ. He decides to disguise himself as Auntie Dot, if he pretends to be her, the ZingZillas will not be disappointed. The ZingZillas watch their hairy diggles race off into the jungle and over to the beach where Todd is at the finish line. In the glade, Zak sees Feets of Amazement - a rock 'n' roll dance group. Zak dashes off to the glade to get some inspiration for their song, while the others try to think of a way of waking Todd up. The ZingZillas agree that bagpipes are perfect for their welcome Auntie Dot song. After they watch a one-man band perform in the glade, Drum and all the Zingzillas' instruments go missing. But the song is so beautiful and so soothing that all the ZingZillas fall asleep! It is a really beautiful song. One of the musicians is playing the dhol drum and the beat of the drum tells the dancers to do a different step. The ZingZillas play their new lullaby, Fall Asleep - it is brilliant and they are all really pleased with it. Todd likes nothing more than a good mystery, so he suggests they look for some clues. Panzee wants to sing lead vocals in the Big Zing for once, and Zak thinks that is a great idea. Tang, Panzee and Drum cannot wait to play their instruments and so they all head over to the glade to get some ideas for the Big Zing. Zak is able to collect all the bamboo he needs just in time for the Big Zing! Training And Servicing Center. Make and Colour It soon gets very annoying and Panzee drags Drum off to the glade to stop her annoying the others. In the glade, the ZingZillas watch La Cuba Ritmo, a salsa band, perform with two salsa dancers. Todd even has enough sheets for them to have a costume each. He decides that to help people know he is important he is going to have a fanfare played every time somebody new sees him. Tang has been working on a quiet and gentle song for the Big Zing and can't wait to play it to Zak. To demonstrate the waltz two dancers in full evening dress dance too. Eventually the ZingZillas give up. The ZingZillas love the tappy, slappy sound, and DJ explains the technique is called slap bass because of the way you slap the guitar strings with your thumb. It doesn't look like he can carry on - and if Zak can't sing the song there'll be no Big Zing! Each time they try to play it Zak wants them to play it faster and faster. It is the night of the Night-time Big Zing and Drum is really excited about staying up late. Cbeebies Zingzillas The Big Coconut Adventure/Singing Ant Game Katelynhazelhurst12 Xuluhuk 11:14 ZingZillas: Series 3: Sunshine 21:52 ZingZillas: Series 1: Tuba Swaps Wise Anna 22:09 ZingZillas: Series 1: Operatic Todd Wise Anna 22:01 ZingZillas: Series 2: Trombone Trouble 11:17 ZingZillas: Series 4: Magical Carpet Ride 11:06 At the end of the song the tired Drum does drift away to sleep - finally. Panzee loves the song and is won over when Zak presents her with her bass guitar, all cleaned and ready to be played. On 28 February 2011 CBeebies began broadcasting a 20 part series of five-minute spinoff programmes entitled "Zingzillas Zingbop" which is hosted by DJ Loose, where a small group of children (known as Zingboppers) go to Zingzilla Island and are taught to dance to a Zingzillas song. Original air date: 19th October 2010 Addeddate 2022-06-06 20:19:50 Identifier CBeebies-ZingZillas-S02-Episode2-Panzee-Gets-the-Giggles He has hurt his foot rolling a rock and has to sit down. As he dances around Drum copies him - which eventually really, really annoys him. Now she can't make any crashy-bashy noises in the Big Zing! Panzee, though, just can't stop giggling! The ZingZillas rehearse on the beach. The ZingZillas decide to get them the perfect birthday gift, but what do you get a standing stone that has everything? The ZingZillas think this is a brilliant idea for the song. This gives Zak an idea and he rushes off to see Todd. 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