But when Detective Sam Cheddid (Louisa Mignone) is called to testify, she provides details about Kate Lawsons images of Claire in various ominous poses, in addition to other evidence. window.googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotOnload', function(event) { It's not that simple either. Find where to watch this and more with our Discovery Tool. After losing custody of her daughter, she simply wanted to prove that Steefan is not capable of taking care of her. (LogOut/ And thats the reason why he ultimately confesses his crime to the police as well. }); Dont miss our other great reviews. Given how neatly The Twelve season 1, episode 10 tied everything up, a second season would need a new case, and new jurors, but I think the overall concept has plenty of legs. ga('ads.send', { But its up to a tried-and-true flashback to reveal the truth of the matter in The Twelve episode 10: Stefaan did indeed leave the movie screening before the end, but not to kill anyone. One day, Kate introduced Belinda to Dokic. Indian Crime Drama None of the jurors treat it as such either, which leads to a problem there isnt a majority vote, which is whats required. Thus, the decision falls to the court. The jurors wrestle with their own intriguing personal dramas as they weigh the evidence against Frie. The Twelve wonderfully illustrates the underlying torment and escape routes of the jury members. }) Italian Crime Drama Because of the expense to the state, trial rules were temporarily modified to limit juries to just four laymen and three judges, blending the legal concepts of a jury trial and a bench trial, but the idea was ultimately ruled unconstitutional and abandoned. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. He beat his son for wanting to speak the truth and forced everyone to spread this falsehood about Kates early arrival. Holly learns the value of forgiveness and what conscience can do to punish more than the law ever could. ga('ads.send', { He brings up a few old, biased stories that the court ignores. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), The house mistress of Claires hostel, Ms. Fiona West (Danielle King), testifies and explains that Claire regularly fled. Along with this, the show suggests that a left-handed person most likely made the incision. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Kate Lawson is a well-acclaimed photographer and artist from Sydney. Fittingly, Brechtje en Roos delivers a last-minute surprise, but it also provides closure and a neat ending for almost everyone involved, impressing as a finale. She seems guilty, as many jurors explain helplessly; we ultimately learn that she is in both cases. Businessman Simon (Nicholas Cassim), the strict father who always attempted to regulate his daughter Avas behavior, finally learns to trust his child. Fidgety and officious, Carl is father to Juliette a teenager who has just been diagnosed with autism. With this, based on the decision of the jury, Frie . This didnt bother me, in fact I found it fascinating. For this fraudulent accusation, he was sentenced to more than 30 years in prison. Noel himself arrives and puts the kids to bed for her, and possible addictions are smartly left at the door. Margarete Brown (Gennie Nevinson) is an elderly woman who finds companionship in Peter (Daniel Mitchell), a widower. All4/Walter Presents next binge-worthy crime series is Belgian story, The Twelve (De Twaalf). And here we are, folks. Will her past trauma endanger her position on the jury? eventAction: 'load' This website uses cookies to improve your experience. media-tech companies with hubs around the world. At one point, Holly (Charlotte De Bruyne) even asserts that it's reasonable to assume a murder legally never took place in Roos' death, as the question of intent to kill was not an unassailable fact by any means. Our review will follow tomorrow, but until then we've put together a who's who guide - there are a lot of characters, a lot of intertwining stories and some real twists and turns. Which, on first reflection, felt like a bit of a cop-out. However, I do not agree with the final decision of the jury. I liked that The Twelve didnt offer easy answers or dramatic reveals, but rather demonstrated how 12 humans, with their own biases, must wade through ambiguous evidence and decide the fate of another human. He despises Kate so much that he called the police and said that she killed her daughter while she was missing. When the police arrived at Dokics house, they discovered that he was driving Belinda to the hospital. The decisions made by these fourteen individuals about Kate Lawsons future are unavoidably influenced by their individual situations, obligations, prior struggles, and current living arrangements. With this, based on the decision of the jury, Frie gets sentenced to 30 years of imprisonment, while Steefan walks free. Outer Banks Character: Ward Cameron, Explained: Did He Survive In Season 3? Now a lie detector test can have its inconsistencies, but Steefan did just fine when the analyzer asked him about his daughters murder. Because of this, she believes that even if Frie has killed her daughter, her guilt has already punished her enough. As the case intensifies, so do the jurors lives Hollys past catches up with her and she forms a bond with Joeri, whos going through his own private turmoil as he begins to ponder his own moral compass after the illegal worker dies in hospital. Robbie, Kates brother, although essentially testifying against her sister, says she could never kill Claire for her art. So she only injured her using the shard of glass. And the deliberation is different, too. Carl (Zouzou Ben Chika) comes to accept his and his daughter's autism but cannot accept Holly and Arnold's commentaries on reasonable doubt. The ten-episode drama follows Maaike Cafmeyer's Frie Palmers, a headmistress accused of a double murder, her daughter Rose (Estelle Sys), and best friend, Brechtje (Lynn Van Royen). Above all, he rejects the notion that Kate could truly murder her niece in order to bring her death art to life. However, I believe that Frie was wrongly accused of it since Steefan is the one who killed her. And even in this national media-circus trial, jurors had 1 day to come back with a decision. Later, Diane testified that her ex-husband was very controlling towards his own daughter. In the final moments, her attorney also discovers the missing gloves that she used for killing the daughter in one of her daughters old books; this further confirms that she did it. Each of the featured jurors from Delphine, Nol and Holly, to Arnold, Carl and Joeri all managed to find find a path out of their respective quagmires during and after the trial. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), Diane was quite close to her sister, but she gave up when she learned that Kate and Nathan were having an affair. An alcoholic and a gambler, Garry Thorne (Brendan Cowell) lives alone with his two dogs. Add in Delphines abusive marriage her husband Mike is jealous and possessive and is beginning to lose his rag as Delphines commitment to jury service and amplifies his own, petty grievances and these rich stories give extra poignancy to the case itself. Forthright and free Holly is the foreman on the jury, but shes hiding a past that soon comes to light. (LogOut/ The struggle that took place in front of her house and in Nathans car was also caught on neighboring CCTV. In court, he also lied about having no clue about Brechtjes pregnancy before her death, while a flashback reveals otherwise. }); This website cannot be displayed as your browser is extremely out of date. She never thought she would be estranged from her sister, who was her only source of support. Swedish Crime Drama Dutch Crime Drama These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. reporters on a platform technologically tailored to meet the needs of the modern reader. Croatian Crime Drama In confessing to Ari with the critical items that prove guilt in both cases, she's revealing herself to be the person the prosecution says she is: pathologically unwilling to accept reality and seen as a bad mother. Showrunners Bert Van Dael and Sanne Nuyens explained to Variety that giving no true answer is the intent, and that their show is more interested in examining the jury trial as a philosophical question. In the closing moments of The Twelve, the court concludes that Frie is guilty of killing her best friend Brechtje, but is innocent when it comes to her daughters murder. 1923 World, Explained: What Were The Social Parameters Of The People Living In The Montana State Of America? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Kate pushed her down the stairs because she was anxious and couldnt control her erratic feelings. The sub-plots come in the form of the juror's lives that have an impact as they actively work the case. We learn that the automated flashlight was captured on camera when Kate was gone that night, and Kate finally admits to her lawyer that she was angry when Claire tried to shoot the final piece by herself but inadvertently died. In the end, once can draw several theories out of the shows well-thought-out premise. The damnation returns to Kate in this way. Which brings me to my one beef about this series. Finnish Crime Drama Also, she suffers from psychopathy and borderline personality disorder. But the more I pondered the ending the more I understood perhaps the Frie Palmers case was not the thing here, but instead, after everything, it was about the jurors. But what reason would she have had to kill Brechtje? At the conclusion of The Twelve, her art of facing death makes sense since it is her admission of both her guiltfor which she was never found guiltyand a lethal conspiracy against an innocent Dokic. Polish Crime Drama We love finding the best foreign crime dramas for you. Dont miss our other great reviews HERE! During a previous scene, Ari explains to Frie that he'll start the paperwork to declare a mistrial something that could easily be granted since Nol (Piet De Praitere) leaked trial proceedings to the press. When you sign up for the list, you will get a new recommendation of a foreign crime drama in your email In Box once a week. Although the individual decision of each juror remains a mystery, their pre-verdict discussion tells a lot about what theyre thinking and how theyre judging the suspects. The final episode of The Twelveshows the ultimate verdict: Frie is convicted of the murder of Brechtje, but is not found culpable for her daughter Roos' death. That part of his story is true. We see Arnold as a lonely man. Their decision may have been made, however, the scintillating part that remains a mystery is how the jurors manage to judge Frie. I liked the show it was very captivating and made you change your opinion wether shes guilty or not. Learn how your comment data is processed. Some may lose, while others may gain, but this decision and the steps that led to it, undoubtedly left a powerful impact on the lives of them. Outside of its native Belgium it was shown in the US and other territories on Netflix, where it was generally very well received, and now we get it here in the UK thanks to the diligent work of the Walter Presents brand. There doesnt have to be a unanimous decision, so there is only 1 vote for the jurors. To begin with, were introduced to Delfine Spijkers (Maaike Neuville), who rushes into the courtroom and is anxious as the selections for the jury is made. We feel that there's something really good to say about juries, and we feel that there's bad things to say. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. } pg.acq.push(function() { Its insinuating that she may have committed both crimes by letting her lawyer find the gloves and necklace. The narratives are skilfully woven making it a thrilling affair. After this incident, Robbie left the house and never saw his siblings again. So, like Kates art, the reason for her punishment is also open to interpretation; if it is for killing Belinda, or Claire, or the trust of a sister, or anything else. We see Corrie Dsouza, an employee of a charity shop and the jurys foreperson, as she tries to flee from the painful memories of discovering her parents homicide. Additionally, Kate is charged with giving alcohol to kids and forcing them to engage in immoral behavior for the sake of her work. Frie Palmers has led a complicated life, of that there is no doubt and it all comes tumbling out in this trial. When the jury starts to favor Frie by arguing that no mother would hurt her children, Delphine disagrees. Her friendship with Brechtje and her partner Stefaan De Munck (Johan Heldenbergh) is dissected, as are the fissures in their relationship. (LogOut/ HBO While frustrating to some, the ending of The Twelve can be fascinating to many, especially for the ones who enjoy being armchair detectives. Arnold (Peter Gorisson) also highlights this disparity during deliberations, making many excellent points on the major gaps in the prosecution's testimony, which leaves acres of room for reasonable doubt the definitive standard of legal guilt. He was utterly disturbed by his unjust imprisonment, and for that, he lost a prestigious scholarship because he could not submit his assignment on time. Nol is a recovering sex addict and sells information to a tabloid journalist, only to later assist in saving the life of his fellow juror Delphine (Maaike Neuville). Mexican Crime Drama Spanish crime drama Indicating there is some secret though inadmissible in court for this case, surely can help to understand Kate better. Dark Danish Crime Drama She is so enamored with death and its images that she uses her niece, Belinda, as a subject. The Twelve makes a concerted effort throughout its ten episodes to separate law from morality. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. A young black English literature undergraduate, Jarrod (Ngali Shaw), finds living in this racist nation repugnant. That's for the viewer to decide. They are twelve distinct individuals with disparate thoughts who juggle their varied issues, contributing their struggles to the judgment and crafting a new scene inside their heads. Arnold is a homophobe but ultimately the most clear-eyed about how the justice system is supposed to operate. And the series buzz is well justified the 10-part thriller expertly manages to interweave tense, courtroom scenes with the lives of some of the 12 jurors, making it a rich, immersive and intense character-driven whodunit. Fries reasons for hurting her daughter are also made pretty clear. Despite her protestations, shes law-bound to take her place alongside the rest of the disparate members of the jury; people that she would be spending more or less every working hour of every day for the next several months with. She claims that because Kate is so fascinated by death, the many shades of postmortem lividity or death bruises excite her. With the pressure mounting to deliver a verdict, the trauma these 12 go through is essentially the highlight of the series. Mindhunter season 3: David Fincher speaks. In the meantime, Jorie and Holly bring their polar notions of morality based on their previous experiences. Email address to follow this blog and the twelve why did frie kill brechtje notifications of new posts by email ( De Twaalf ) Steefan. Window.Googletag.Pubads ( ).addEventListener ( 'slotOnload ', function ( event ) { its that... To deliver a verdict, the Twelve ( De Twaalf ) years in.! 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