As Hayes wrapped up his 8:00 p.m. show, he passed the baton to his 9:00 p.m. successor, who then immediately alluded to an earlier conversation the pair had earlier in the day. Rachel Maddow: Did this really happen or is this a play? In addition to being generally amazing and decent, Hayes has tracked the life and death and . Note: This is a rough transcript please excuse any typos. Chris Hayes: -- like, Im not doing anything. And my friend and colleague, Rachel Maddow, is one of those people. Chris Hayes: -- by Reverend Alson J. Smith --. See or download fact-checks by, PolitiFact, and The Washington Post's Fact Checker.The Nancy Pelosi Archive is one of several collections of TV news clips featuring public officials, with related fact-checks. You know, are you the bishop who asked to decide what to do about Coughlin? But if you think about a sedition trial like sedition is trying to overthrow the government by force, if you succeeded in your seditious plot --. And so, deciding that we won in the war --, Rachel Maddow: -- and, therefore, that vanquished --, Rachel Maddow: And all Americans came around --. I think you and I cherish it, not everyone does, but that theres some really important lines here about you can write a pamphlet saying Donald Trump should. Not to be weird but, like, I'm very grateful to the executives at the company who said I could do this, because it means that I don't have to quit doing what I'm doing. So that, to me, was like incredibly exciting. Rachel Maddow: You can express them, and you can --. By Chris Hayes? Can you imagine if former President Donald Trump said this? FBI Director ChristopherWray reveals what the FBI believes about the origin of the coronavirus, and China does not like it. Chris Hayes, Washington editor for the Nation, is sitting in for Rachel Maddow tonight. But it's this great, I think, very resonant tension between something happening that does seem to require a criminal law response that is not well-managed by a criminal law response. Its, to me, a bigger truth to realize there was a whole lot of them, and they were all meeting those needs in different ways. Um Why is there a swastika behind you on the desk, Chris? Chris Hayes: I don't know whose secretary is. What was that Howard Stern bit (ph)? Rachel Maddow: And, you know, theyre organizing rifle clubs, and its as confrontational as you can get in terms of being an overt pro-Hitler movement designed to destabilize the United States. Chris Hayes: Yeah. Rachel Maddow: -- matters, when having the secretary's name doesn't matter. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Like the people who are listening are like, "Wait, who's the senator?". And now I feel like I can. What more can we say? Thats like hes a multiple of the Super Bowl every week in terms of --. Chris Hayes: The hearts and minds part of it, too, is fascinating. One of her new projects is Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra, a podcast all about the history of pre-World War II American fascism, and those who worked to stop it. And so one of the most remarkable things about the history of Coughlin is the end of Coughlin, which is --, Rachel Maddow: -- in part because his radicalism is freaking people out, but its mostly because the Catholic church pulls the plug on him, and he allows for that. I'm paraphrasing. Rachel Maddow: -- form fascist organizations even. Because these are fascist thugs --. Rachel Maddow: You would not be on trial. Today, Rachel Maddow writes about the future of election integrity. Maddow joins WITHpod to discuss what shes been up to, how she found the story thats told in her new podcast, the editorial and creative process that has followed and more. In its zeal to pin the blame for its own incompetence and for Epsteins crimes on Maxwell, the Government breached its promise. Chris Hayes: Well, so let's talk about before we get to the podcast --. I mean, you can't have people who are afraid to tell you no, you can't. One of the defendants wrote a book about it. . Rachel Maddow: -- fight fascism and save the country. Rachel Maddow: -- you know, get them arrested. In this case, this pamphlet is about the Bronx. Rachel Maddow: -- because you have free speech, but you ought to be recognized as a political actor and for the political threat you pose to our system, and there ought to be a response. Rachel Maddow: Right. You can have fascist feelings. 715: March 20, 2019 () Paul Giamatti, Senator Doug Jones: Aparna Nancherla: Doin' It Donkey Style. And were on the train leaving New Orleans heading towards Texas, and were growing across the Huey Long Bridge. Rachel Maddow: I mean, is that a story about the limitations to the critical law? Why Is This Happening? is presented by MSNBC and NBC News, produced by Doni Holloway and Brendan O'Melia, engineered by Bob Mallory and features music by Eddie Cooper. with me, your host, Chris Hayes. Quiz: Photo of Rachel Maddow or Photo of Chris Hayes? That happening at the same time that members of Congress and members of the United States Senate were being roped into a plan involving a Nazi agent to, not just sort of leverage their pro-German or antiwar sympathies, but actually do Hitler's work in this country. Chris Hayes: -- ballpark, what is this? Similarly, with the great sedition trial in 1944, which is sort of amazing that they brought it in 1944 --, Chris Hayes: Right, yes, right, right, right --, Rachel Maddow: -- given what happened in 1940 when they tried it against the Christian Front, that trial has gone down in history as a failure or as a sideshow or, in some cases, as a debacle because it wasn't a successful prosecution. That's how FARA, which is now, like, having this new rebirth in the Trump era. Rachel Maddow: Yeah, hes a great interview --, Rachel Maddow: -- but its a great book. And also the theology around tyranny and sedition, being a nuanced thing that Coughlin was very cognizant of and was playing with, even as his followers were being put on trial for sedition for having them what he told them to do. Rachel Maddow: An effort in the United States. Chris Hayes: Yeah, hes just a parish priest. Rachel Maddow: And I'm really grateful. I mean, if you take people at face value and you believe that they are arguing earnestly for what they believe, those are fascinating and substantive arguments, which also occluded a lot of active fascist-organizing in the United States at the time. Rachel Maddow: Its a big swing the Justice Department is taking in this case. Earlier this week, CNN Business reported that Maddow's nightly show will end in 2022. We have all this stuff. And then they orchestrated using agent provocateur. It's like, yeah, my job does this, but then there's you, inside. Chris Hayes: -- but that creates this constant sense of curiosity. Its like, oh, yeah, they like that. Follow us on TikTok by searching for WITHpod. He gets fired by going rogue and saying, "We didnt get a conviction, but Im going to tell you what our evidence was. I mean, theres a couple of things here. That's how we got the Foreign Agent Registration Act. Chris Hayes: Yeah, exactly. Rachel Maddow: Let's take it beyond Ernest Lundeen. I'm not spoiling it. Meanwhile, MSNBC's All in with Chris Hayes drew 1.57 million at 8 pm and Last Word averaged 1.79 million at 10 pm. As its afternoon shows hosted by Ronan Farrow and Joy Reid are canceled due to poor ratings, MSNBC is reportedly planning to replace Chris Hayes with Rachel Maddow. And the justice department in the wake of Longs assassination sent a prosecutor down to Louisiana basically to go bust up Hue Long machine to root out not only his vestiges of dictatorial power, but also bust all the corruption that he had left behind, which was profound. So these sort of grand ideological battles, first against Nazis and fascism, then against communism, and then of course, like, the ultimate victory of liberal democracy as a kind of like teleological story about human development, which we basically all get, like, whether we know it or not --. Features The current working app features are: Downloading PKGs from repositories/directly from a URL chris hayes rachel maddow relationship (EP 3) Install & Setup Useful Homebrew Apps on PS4 (9.00 or Lower) MODDED WARFARE 328K subscribers 153K views 1 year ago This episode covers the installation and usage of some handy. The ReidOut. I mean, the stories about Jewish community activists in Los Angeles organizing infiltration of pro-Hitler German-American groups to then expose what those groups were doing even as the local police in California and the FBI had no interest in doing anything with what they were finding, I mean, what they did is they got newspaper articles written about it, and they got magazine articles written about it. Rachel printed it out from a digital archive for me because the first part of it is all about the anti-semitic menacing that fascist groups were doing in the Bronx in the late 1930s. I mean, dont make --. So I started working on that, ended up in this place where I was looking at sort of the origins of American Holocaust denial, which has always been sort of an interest for me as well. Chris Hayes: You know, we have D-Day. The Rachel Maddow Show. . . I'm happy to read it. As noted by conservative commentator Todd Starnes, Hayes in the past had linked Trump supporters to the swastika. His father-in-law is veteran Chicago reporter Andy Shaw. And one of the plots that we talk about in the podcast involves a guy who had been, you know, a high-ranking clan leader, right. Rachel Maddow: Dont tell anybody though. You're so good at suspense, so good. J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, announces it. I mean, obviously it's your voice, and you have a very good voice technically, but a Rachel Maddow way of telling a story that happens in this podcast where it's like, "I'm in it. Chris Hayes: -- like, how is the new life of one night a week of "The Rachel Maddow Show"? Rachel Maddow: -- breaking news times, and there's time we have to be on call and all that stuff. . And then the prosecutor said they continued their plot. Rachel Maddow is incredible. And I don't buy that chummy, "Thank you, my friend" from Rachel; they rarely chat and you can just cut the tension. Rachel Maddow: That makes for a good booze ballad. Chris Hayes: And its also fascinating. And the Hitler government simultaneously supporting both native fascist and German fascist movements in this country that were plotting a violent overthrow of the U.S. Government. So that's telling --. I brought you the whole thing. So we start off with the story of the senator who you've never heard of. Chris Hayes: So the broad contours of this, and again they're individual stories and I want to keep that narrative suspense --, Chris Hayes: -- is about essentially, like, fascist sympathies in the United States in the run-up to World War II. As reported by the website Vice, the Goodwill of Western New York online store was selling mugs adorned with the swastika, the motto of the SS (My honor is called loyalty), and the face of Adolf Hilter. This isn't good." Rachel printed it out from a digital archive for me because the first part of it is all about the anti-semitic menacing that fascist groups were doing in the Bronx in the late 1930s, he wrote. So I hadn't gotten the actual cuts of the first two episodes. Rachel Maddow: Weve got fascist antisemitic thugs who are echoing the Hitler line. Chris Hayes: And that's something that comes through in the story you're telling in a way that, I think, we really don't think enough about. Rachel Maddow graduated from Stanford University, worked as an HIV/AIDS activist, received a Rhodes Scholarship, and earned a doctorate in political science from Oxford. The presence of a hate symbol in a picture of two liberals mugging for the camera was too much to ignore. He interviews guys on the Nazi side of the plot to say, in fact, were you working with these Americans and gets them on the record from their cells at Nuremberg saying yeah, these were the Americans who we are working with. I mean, I brought this for you as a present. We love your feedback, so tweet us the hashtag #WITHpod, e-mail They didn't want Nazi war criminals being put on trial because that was unfair to the Nazis. The Trump Archive, launched in January 2017, was the first such collection.. Chris Hayes: That's a hell of a person to plagiarize. Gotta to hang with my buddy today, he wrote. You can focus on any one of them. And then the Cold War, right? You can also watch "The Rachel Maddow Show" on Monday nights. Rachel Maddow: -- 10 years he was chancellor. You say like, "Oh, today's Father Coughlin.". But I'll tell you, the name of the secretary. Chris Hayes: But when youre dealing with something this existential and this core to both the life blood of what liberal democracy is that that system may not be that well-equipped to do it. Chris Hayes: That, like, a lot of times you come in, you're talking to a spouse or a friend or a therapist, and you're, like, talking about things in your life. You made me meet me half the feelings. Offsite Link by Anonymous reply 24 May 21, 2020 12:04 AM They are best friends. The 11th Hour with Stephanie ., Aldous Huxleys Ghost (@AF632) October 5, 2022, TexZeus (@vinnieoftexas_) October 4, 2022. Luckily for us, her decision to dial back from the nightly cable news grind has allowed her to create a work in new media. Hosts on Today gave a vague answer to questions about the status of Hoda Kotb, whose last appearance on the show was Feb. 17. Politico obtained a purported majority opinion draft of the Supreme Court showing that the court is poised to overturn the 1973 landmark decision Roe v. Wade which legalizes abortions in all states up to the point of fetal viability24-28 weeks gestation. Rachel Maddow: I mean, I think I learned what I like, which is helpful. Its a real party. Rachel Maddow: -- to distribute German government propaganda in the United States through the U.S. Congress and through the United States Senate. Chris Hayes: Well, no, thats fascinating. And I want them to tell that story. Rachel Maddow: Rachel wrote a fiction podcast? Not one of them touched the green pepper he'd cut up for. Rachel Maddow: And so, you end up with all sorts of ways that the criminal law can be engaged against some of these leaders, you know, and thats not definitionally true, just historically recurring. I mean, its all of those things. Chris Hayes: Its a real shoot the Moon strategy. It's like, could we --, Chris Hayes: I want to follow-up on this. Just so incredibly perfect that I have a typo in this tweet. Then, its them. I feel like this idea that we're dealing with pro-authoritarian impulses on the right as connected to electoral politics, that being some sort of unprecedented challenge, it doesn't feel unprecedented to me. Chris Hayes: -- totally lost to history. Earlier in his program, Hayes recounted an. Rachel Maddow: I love that, but it takes a lot of work. The 34-year-old anchor of Up, MSNBC's 8 a.m. weekend show, invited 15 friends to his one-bedroom apartment in Manhattan's East Village. Listen to Rachel Maddow talk about her new podcast, what it's like to be covering the news in this political moment, how we can use history to make sense of . I feel like that's part of it all getting scrubbed because it's like, oh, well, that was all before. All Rights Reserved. Chris Hayes: -- or it falls apart if you're doing something in 15 minutes or 14 minutes. Are you Dorothy Thompson or Drew Pearson, one of these nationally syndicated, incredibly powerful journalists who has to decide where youre going to train your fire power? The subject of the. I love that scientific part of it. 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I would say that theres a recognizably fascist cadence, like theres a certain tenor and cadence and rhythm --, Chris Hayes: -- to fascist incitement and then --. Maddow is best known for hosting MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show.She is known . So, but that gets only (ph) --. Maddow also conducts interviews with. It has all of the kind of like context, and history, and pacing, and sort of just like narrative oomph of like a great Rachel A block, but with all the production abilities of a great podcast. Rachel Maddow: And we are not going to fight them with knives. Tweet us with the hashtag #WITHpod, email I think that our professional, and civic and religious institutions can be strong, but can also be hurt. And I think this first entered my consciousness in the Philip Roth book, "The Plot Against America" --, Chris Hayes: -- which is fictional, but also when you read it, it's a fictional counter-history in which Charles Lindbergh runs for president as essentially a kind of Nazi sympathizer, essentially America first. And it's not just fact-checking, it is people correcting you when you stray and having a trusting relationship with the people you work with, so that --. Chris Hayes: Well be right back after we take this quick break. And you need the prosecution, you need the investigation, you need the Justice Department to be engaged in things like this, but it's actually not the solution. Rachel Maddow: James Comey, right? ", Rich Polk / Getty Images for Politicon; Scott Olson / Getty Images. And the demand, I am very obsessed in the notion of like the demand side for fascism as opposed to supply side --. Chris Hayes: -- and was arrested and tried for and imprisoned for. He took months and months and months, and it was very, very dangerous work because of what he was doing. Chris Hayes: Yeah, you do get him in, again, the kind of inter-warriors 101 --, Rachel Maddow: And also, you get him when people are sort of hyperbolically criticizing right-wing media, right? She writes her first lady column about how shocked she is. It's the most --. Rachel Maddow: And then you were in local morning radio and working this hard, and then you were working for the ACLU --. So there's a little bit of like heartbreak and joy that came when Rachel said that she was going to step away from "The Daily Show" and have "The Rachel Maddow Show" on Monday nights. Do you remember what it was like? Right. When Alex Wagner debuts her new MSNBC show on Tuesday, she will be taking on an unusual arrangement . I'm getting weirdly teary. Chris Hayes: -- I think like his coinage, essentially, in the proper imagination. And then in 1914, he had nine. Chris Hayes: -- transparent work product in the world. Rachel Maddow: -- answer whatever e-mails I need to answer that pertain to this evening, and then shutoff and not turn on again until the workday starts again. But I have to ask. Why Is This Happening? is presented by MSNBC and NBC News, produced by Doni Holloway and Brendan O'Melia, engineered by Bob Mallory, features music by Eddie Cooper. It operated in a way where, like, people maybe hit 10 home runs a year. To mark MSNBC's 25th anniversary, MSNBC Daily will feature 25 days of forward-looking essays on important issues from MSNBC anchors, hosts and correspondents. And here he is, like, arguing for (inaudible) --. MSNBC president Phil Griffin probably thought two Rachel Maddows would be better than one, but Hayes as lost 30% of Schultz's viewers and as Maddow's lead-in, her ratings are suffering as a result: Even Ms. Maddow's ratings tumbled sharply in May, at least partly because the network's new host at 8 p.m., Chris Hayes, has lost more than . Dog whistle, much? Chris Hayes: And all that nasty unseemliness in '39 and '40 --, Rachel Maddow: We beat them. Rachel Maddow: It is great. He served like nine months, wrote Mein Kampf --, Rachel Maddow: -- perfected his ideas of propaganda as being the way to not just seize power but hold power, came out, took him 10 years, and within --.