instability of America's financial house. Among those with family income less than $40,000, 36 percent went without some medical treatment in 2018, down from 39 percent in 2017. Germany had won an area called Alsace-Lorraine forty years before the outbreak of hostilities during World War I. These factors have led to high rates of violence, assault, suicide, poverty, and abuse among the Native . What are two ways the U.S. government financed the war effort? equality. Older inventions had vast improvements made on them. In 1792, the Federal treasury department determined that gold was worth how many times more than silver? According to the lesson, what state passed the first immigration law in 1862? doing something without thinking carefully or caring about the results - indiscriminate. When Germany offered to surrender, President Wilson would not agree to it unless something happened first. A recession in 1937 supported whom in regards to the New Deal's success? Match the vocabulary word with its meaning. Neither chemical weapons nor machine guns were used by the Allies on the Western Front. How did this act accomplish this goal? Which nation started out as a member of the Triple Alliance, but switched sides right after the war began? the bombing of factories Hertzs studies focused on death in small societies in Borneo. Provide a summary of the settlements of Jamestown and Plymouth. According to the lesson, what two things put an effective end to the Jim Crow laws in this country? According to the lesson, what brought about the need for social reform? Poland Currently, there are twenty-eight countries that are members in NATO. Adolf Hitler was a native of which nation? June 4, 1943 was day two. Espionage Act What are three acquisitions that greatly expanded the territory of America before the Civil War? Why did France want the Alsace-Lorraine region from Germany? which he had dealt with since his teens. It did not think the treaty punished Germany enough. splitting the Confederacy in two What were three of President Wilson's Fourteen Points? Russia What did President Eisenhower do after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Brown v. Board of Education in 1954? Which individual below was the premier black entertainer during the first part of the twentieth century? What is a second-generation Japanese American called? What are three reasons why Reconstruction failed to live up to its potential? Americans relationship with their dead would never be the same. What happened on Black Thursday that sent everyone into a panic? America consists of different_______ of people. Benito Mussolini initiated a form of ____ for his government. 2023 Smithsonian Magazine Which nation did they win this region from? Select all that apply. Which of the following is NOT one of them? House size has increased. Belgium He knew it would require the use of a strong navy. This is due by tomorrow and I have so much other work to get caught up on! desegregation of the nation's public schools and other public facilities; Foreign policy decisions and problems included: dealing with construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961, separating East Berlin from the West; As the nation's youngest president, John Kennedy brought hope to the country as he. Serious mental illness (SMI) rose among all ages of Black and African American people between 2008 and 2018. Which individual below was the premier black entertainer during the first part of the twentieth century? C)American warships fired on and destroyed the capital of Manila. Which of Roosevelt's acts made an attempt to redistribute wealth? Thirty percent agreed that racism exists today, but it isn't a major problem. The vocabulary word, ____, describes the use of arms as a tool of diplomacy. My first book, The Sacred Remains, looked at the conflicts impact on Americans attitudes toward death, during another period of extreme division and overwhelming loss of life. What could a potential Senate filibuster have done for a bill attempting to desegregate the military? What are their names? to stop Russia from winning the war drafting freed slaves to fight for the Union Which of the following things were invented or first used in the 1950s? Americans spent more money eating out than they did on "at-home" foods for the first time in 2014, when 50.1% of total food spending went to restaurants. By 1905, there was a total of about_____ miles of paved roads in America. It connected the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, giving America more control of the Western Hemisphere. Which of the following was NOT an infamous extermination camp? These are "unisex", but the sizes are listed in men's, so when ordering for ladies please order with that in mind - UNLIMITED FREE SHIPPING! The manner in which successive administrations have dealt with China is the biggest foreign policy failure of the United States in the last 40 years, US' National Security Advisor said . France In the U.S., civil religion is a patriotic culture that sees America as a sacred, exceptional country, built on shared ideals, myths and traditions. Some 56% of Americans are unable to cover an unexpected $1,000 bill with. millions of new immigrants John O'Sullivan coined the phrase ____ to describe America's right to expand to the Pacific Ocean. The percentage of U.S. adults who said they believe the death penalty is unfairly applied rose to 45%, the highest since Gallup began asking the question, and the four-percentage-point difference between the two responses was the smallest in the history of Gallup's polling. It had to give up much of its industrial complex. What are some of the positive changes states made to enhance conditions for workers? Beginning in the 1940s, however, deep demographic and economic change, accompanied by a marked shift in white racial attitudes, started blacks down the road to much greater equality. Andrew Boxer traces the origins of a historical issue still as controversial and relevant today as in past centuries. Russia President ____ was the last president to have been a Civil War veteran. According to what you just learned about cause and effect, the "cause" was poor economic policies, and the "effect" was ____. (more than one). a civil war millions of freed slaves African Americans (also referred to as Black Americans and Afro-Americans) are an ethnic group consisting of Americans with partial or total ancestry from sub-Saharan Africa. The Battle of Leyte Gulf saw the first use of Japanese ____ attacks. The practice of ____ emphasizes a doctrine that returns to rigid principles. They developed the idea of creating trusts. The act of ad-libbing or making things up as you go is called ____. That trend continues with CNBC's Kate Rogers reporting that restaurant spending is "surpassing grocery sales at just 3% year-over-year growth." This upsurge relates to "convenience culture," with much of the gains coming via . Which of the following kinds of people were restricted from immigrating to America, based on a series of laws? Hungary, Prior to the beginning of World War I, which nation challenged Great Britain for supremacy of the seas? During World War I, the American government arrested who publicly opposed the war effort. lowering tariffs for more competition Spain. The solution to America's economic woes was on the horizon in the form of: What innovation made it possible to sell a lot of goods really cheap? What position did Roosevelt resign when he took on the role of a Rough Rider? Which sentence below best describes the concept of unrestricted submarine warfare? Finland The production which has flowed from the country to all the battlefronts of the world has been due to the efforts of American business, American labor, and American farmers, working together as a patriotic team."--President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Navy Day speech, October 27, 1944. There have been some very slight changes in these patterns over the last four years, with Americans a little more likely to . Bulgaria. Select all that apply. women's suffrage movements the use of arbitration to settle labor disputes, In what two areas did states accomplish reform during the Progressive Era? The magnitude of death today immediately brings to my mind the event that killed the second-highest number of Americans: the Civil War. to keep the peace in the entire region a civil war Carl Sandburg It might require U.S. troops to fight in foreign wars. According to the lesson, what were two of the programs President Roosevelt put into place during his first year in office? a strong naval blockade The United States would not allow additional colonization of Latin American nations. B. the sale of enslaved people in the Upper South to President_____ was the last president to have been a Civil War veteran. industrial revolution According to the lesson, what would become the hallmark of Theodore Roosevelt's life? Elliot. (1 point)capturing the Confederate capital Which factor is related to a person leaving in order to experience more freedom and opportunity unrelated to persecution? loans The U.S. was forced to deal with profound changes in a relatively short period of time. _______ was NOT a part of the Union's three part plan to defeat the South. What did Germany offer that would make Mexico even consider the proposal? The United States and Soviet Union kept building up the nuclear arsenal because ____ knew how many bombs the other had. Which of the following people had a profound effect on American education? Compensation would be given for its help. It might require U.S. troops to fight in foreign wars. Bennington died by suicide at age 41 on July 20, 2017 which, coincidentally, was his . In a country divided over basic facts about the virus, deaths have been exploited for political purposes or wrapped into conspiracy theories. Compared to one year ago, Americans are currently more supportive of a government-administered long-term care insurance program, similar to Medicare, and think a number of measures would . Marne ____ factors force people to move away due to persecution or famine while ____ factors make people want to move away due to better job opportunities. 15, issued on Jan. 16, 1865. Nearly one year after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, public support for the role the United States is playing in supplying weapons and funds to the eastern European nation has declined among both Democrats and Republicans alike. After President Wilson was instrumental in getting the Treaty of Versailles passed, why did Congress reject the treaty altogether? Which of the following was NOT invented in the early 1900s? Which of the following were warning signs of the impending economic depression that appeared during the Hoover administration? The commanders of subs have to follow rules of engagement. Hitler broke the Treaty of Versailles 7 times: the state of being independent or practicing self-rule - autonomy. This 1918 piece of legislation made it illegal to publicly denounce the war, verbally or on paper. Source: Early Release of Selected Estimates Based on Data From the 2021 National Health Interview Survey [PDF - 159 KB] What other islands were attacked at the same time as Pearl Harbor? He knew it would require the use of a strong navy. Americans' trust in the media has plummeted four percentage points since last year to 36 percent. Which of the following countries did participate in the Scramble for Africa? It had to purchase at least four million ounces of silver each month. In just 40 years, Americans dealt with a civil war millions of freed slaves industrial revolution millions of new immigrants changes in education women's suffrage movements technological advances Advertisement coreyjand All of these happened in just 40 years! Who unseated Truman as the Democratic presidential nominee in 1952? Percent of adults aged 18 and over with regular feelings of depression: 4.8%. Last year, Americans reported feeling stress, anger and . According to the lesson, what actions got General MacArthur fired from his position as commander during the Korean War? Denmark, The Zimmerman telegram was a huge diplomatic mistake by _____. The clause needed to be added on a state level, not just Federal. Dec. 5, 2019. The American public is significantly more likely to identify as conservative or moderate than as liberal, leaving a situation in which about 4 in 10 Americans call themselves conservative, 4 in 10 call themselves moderates, and only about 2 in 10 call themselves liberal. submarine warfare The U.S. Supreme Court ruling involving Homer Plessy reinforced a policy called _____. Tolkien and his Lord of the Rings series; Some of the many notable performers and songs to name a very few were: Some technological blasts from the past include: Fallout and bomb shelters were built to "protect" Americans from nuclear attacks; and. not limited by restrictions or regulations - unfettered. a group of unarmed ships guarded by destroyers and battleships - convoy. What would be your best response?, The nurse is . What are three items from the Populist Party platform that eventually made their way into American life? Rate answer . Somme Some of the greatest twentieth-century authors also starred during this decade, including: (50s). Foreign countries reneged on paying back war debts. poison gas, The first major offensive of the Great War took place when Germany invaded Belgium on its way to France. workers' compensation America would not interfere with already established Latin american colonies. Nearly three times as many adults ages 50-59 currently . Select all that apply. Why did the due process clause need to be added even though it was already in the U.S. Constitution? (4/5 correct), the literacy test requirement which prevented many blacks from voting, a state of being where something has reached its conclusion or outcome - fruition. Which of the following were the key changes made to the economy by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913? B)It marked a change from imperialism to isolationism. Girls were expected to stay at home and learn domestic duties. Destructive 'Super Pigs' From Canada Threaten the Northern U.S. Did an Ancient Magnetic Field Reversal Cause Chaos for Life on Earth 42,000 Years Ago? The U.S. and the Soviet Union became the two superpowers following World War II. The original signeesthe U.S., Great Britain, France, Spain, Canada, Portugal, Belgium, Greece, Denmark, Norway, Turkey, Italy, Iceland, Luxembourg, and the Netherlandswere eventually joined by Australia and West Germany. Photo by Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images. A famous painter, ______ painted pictures for the covers of the Saturday Evening Post. tank L. Frank Baum The U.S. Supreme Court case of _____ enforced the policy of "separate but equal" in this country. Which person below was not a famous poet from the early 1900s? Why was the equal protection clause added to the Fourteenth Amendment? The ____ Renaissance saw the resurgence of black music through jazz. What famous businessman owned Standard Oil Company? machine gun the lucky president (more than one) a civil war millions of freed slaves industrial revolution millions of new immigrants changes in education women's suffrage movements indian wars burgeoning city populations technological advances When Martha Ballard began her diary in 1785, the Revolutionary War had been over for just a year. Most Americans are still struggling to build solid savings accounts nearly two years into the coronavirus pandemic. Indeed, a very striking and still-present counternarrative soon developed among the vanquished Confederates after the war. The prevalence of major depressive episode was . The official beginning of the Great Depression was October ____, 1929. Answer by Guest. Why did Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleveland not campaign prior to the election of 1892? As big as that number is, it's just the tip of the stress . Robert Frost. The Chinese ____ Party eventually moved to the island of Taiwan. It had to share in the responsibility of war with Russia. Their deaths were seen as sacred sacrifices to preserve the country. people are still people, the same on the inside. What two things made it possible for the West to be settled so quickly? How old was he? Though it is impossible to sum up all of the data Abernathy broke down in his 40 minute talk in just a few sentences, here are the key takeaways from Abernathy's presentation: technological advances, a civil war According to the lesson, what things kept working conditions so poor in factories? The communitys survival depends greatly on transcending death, so it transforms the dead into sacred symbols of group identity and social cohesion. Germany had tried to build a bigger fleet of ships than England. Overall, 1 in 13 adults in the U.S. (7.5%) have "long COVID" symptoms, defined as symptoms lasting three or more months after first contracting the virus, and that they didn't have prior to their COVID-19 infection. Maine sank while sitting in______ Harbor. In the area of economics and big business, what are three things that President Wilson accomplished? And half of all adults say they experienced a major stressful event in the past year. What was it? What are some of the positive changes states made to enhance conditions for workers? In 1973, the first year with available Census data, the average size of the family home was 1,660 square feet. Historically speaking, nations tend to follow the same pattern as they develop. In part, the ____ Amendment states that no person who has committed treason or rebelled against the United States can hold public office. The losers built an alternative civil religious culture, what historians refer to as the religion of the Lost Cause.. Which political party developed the Omaha Platform of 1892? What did the Nineteenth Amendment accomplish? Neither chemical weapons nor machine guns were used by the Axis armies on the Western Front. Select all that apply. Order 6 or more (and you can mix sizes and colors) for just $11.99 each from us! very profitable or productive - lucrative. Why was the concept of affirmative action seen as controversial? Germany had to give up its autonomous government, Germany had to take sole responsibility for the war. a civil war millions of freed slaves intervention in strikes affecting public welfare The last imperial dynasty in Chinese history was the _____. Which of the following inventors made important strides in the field of electricity? The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was designed to show solidarity in the face of Soviet aggression. What was President Roosevelt's main concern when he offered the Treaty of Portsmouth to end the Russo-Japanese War? Activist African Americans adopted "Freedom Now" as their slogan to recognize the Emancipation Proclamation centennial in 1963 (indeed, a short-lived all-Black Freedom Now Party was formed in Michigan and ran candidates in the general election of 1964). Alsace-Lorraine had to be returned to France. PLEASE HELP!!! Horace Mann believed that much needed to be done to improve education in America. poison gas. changes in education Why was the concept of affirmative action seen as controversial? Use context clues to determine the meaning of each boldfaced word from "Six Feet of the Country." Kaiser Wilhelm had to abdicate his throne. millions of freed slaves At the start of the twentieth century there were approximately 250,000 Native Americans in the USA - just 0.3 per cent of the population - most living on reservations where they exercised a limited degree of self-government. 83 Percent of Americans Support the ERA. technological advances, According to the lesson, what were some of the early reform movements in America? Which of the following crippling strikes ended successfully for the union during the many strikes that hit the U.S. during 1919? How did Public Schools change, what did this lead to?, what were the negative effects that his trade had on the societies at africa. Maria Montessori first used her teaching principles on ____. Which of the following were the key changes made to the economy by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913? Switzerland possessing enough cash to meet debts or expenses - solvent. Russia It was home to much of France's long heritage. Italy, Which of the following statements best compares the use of chemical weapons and machine guns in World War I? First created in 1917 when the U.S. was entering World War I, the debt ceiling has been raised by Congress (and occasionally the president, when authorized to do so by Congress) dozens of times since then. The country had to dismantle nearly the entire military. What are two things that white encroachment did to Native American tribes? Deep within the cavern, the______ discovered an underground river. In what battle were the Germans halted, creating a stalemate? Dunkirk It seemed to strongly favor organized labor or unions. When Hitler came to power, how was he perceived by many of the German people? When Hitler came to power, how was he perceived by many of the German people? What was the condition of the US armed forces at the time the US entered the war? (via American Songwriter), . Which individual below was the premier black entertainer during the first part of the twentieth century? Vox. Austria-Hungary, Austria-Hungary was dissolved into four nations following World War I. hopes and fears are changed within each era due to the new Techonologies, In the area of economics and big business, what are three things that President Wilson accomplished? Verdun, Which of the following weapons finally broke the stalemate on the Western Front? Czechoslovakia Emily Dickinson What two events or circumstances drastically changed the demographics of larger, industrial cities? Marxism and Capitalism were to be bitter enemies. And that's just the start of it. It remains to be seen if Americans will eventually incorporate the losses into a unifying civil religion, or only use them to reinforce polarization. All European nations had to give up their colonies and allow for individual autonomy. Why did France want the Alsace-Lorraine region from Germany? According to the lesson, education is knowledge and knowledge is ____. Advertising Notice . According to the lesson, what two things caused Americans to drastically change their spending habits? The term "African American" generally denotes descendants of enslaved Africans who are from the United States. B)They thought america would grant them total autonomy. Why were the Balkans so important to Germany's war effort? The term "Second Middle Passage" refers to which of thefollowing? What are three of the things he advocated to make that happen? Which two countries led an embargo against oil destined for Japan? Immigration Act discovery of the helical structure of DNA. When it came to labor, management, and strikes, what are two precedents set by Roosevelt and the federal government? Yugoslavia Which person below was not a famous poet from the early 1900s? As a scholar of religion who has studied the history of death in America, I am quite preoccupied with how the country makes sense of, honors and remembers the Covid-19 dead. Socialism Although the Emancipation Proclamation did nothing to actually free slaves. longer hours for more money What two things helped prevent Japan from sliding into the Great Depression along with so many other nations? McMaster told the House China committee at its hearing Tuesday night. A policy or doctrine of supreme devotion to one's country is called _____. The procedure permitting voters to remove an official from office before the term expires is called a(n) ___________. All Native Americans are thought to have descended from just a few very small groups of people. On August 6, 1945, the bomber Enola Gay dropped the first atomic bomb used in war on the city of Hiroshima, and Japan: refused to surrender, so another atomic bomb was deployed. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Maine. Why did Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleveland not campaign prior to the election of 1892? What made the American Industrial Revolution so important in terms of what was accomplished during it? Great Britain Ypres Mexico would receive the rights to nearby Cuba. When President Paul von ____ died, Hitler seized power in Germany. Your Privacy Rights Thus, with this theory, a disease that one Native American is extremely susceptible to would have equally deadly effects on most all Native Americans unlike the more genetically diverse Europeans. (Some sentences may have more than one direct or indirect object; some may have a direct object but no indirect object; some may have neither. According to the lesson, what did the American Industrial Revolution give rise to as far as its citizens were concerned? Around 750,000 people died during the conflict2.5 percent of the countrys population at the time. Which politician below wanted to confiscate family fortunes valued over $5 million while guaranteeing a new car, yearly income, and college? the importation of slaves on the West Coast the saddest president A)The country acquired a number of different islands. D)It showed that a nation with a strong navy could beat America. For example, in just forty years, Americans dealt with: This site is using cookies under cookie policy . An estimated 4.1 million adolescents aged 12 to 17 in the United States had at least one major depressive episode. Prussia Which of the following nations became part of the Southeast Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO)? In the early years of America, why was the education of children not much of a priority? He sent an ultimatum to Red Chinese leaders. After the Revolution. Germany had to lose much of its industrial territory. Turkey Germany had to take sole responsibility for the war. How would this combat Communism in those countries? to take back or make void such as a ruling or decision - rescind. For comparison's sake, under then-President Donald Trump, the number of encounters was 458,088 in 2020 and 977,509 in 2019. France and Great Britain insisted Germany make war____ after the conflict ended. abolition By the early 20th century, this new business had established a fairly standard American way of death, centered on the viewing of an embalmed body to bring a community together. The recession supported critics as unemployment soared to 18%. Put the following time periods in the order in which they normally appear. What did Roosevelt call himself after McKinley was assassinated? In 1911, a mob of over 100 people hanged a 14-year-old boy, Antonio Gmez, after he was arrested for murder. the world then knew slavery would not be tolerated in the United States. suffrage abolition Italy, Which of the following countries did not participate in the Scramble for Africa? The politicization of death is not uncommon in American history, particularly during times of profound social crisis. The term ____ means to prevent a person from enjoying a privilege such as voting. Using Possessives. Germany had to scuttle its entire navy. A famous painter, ________________, painted pictures for the covers of the Saturday Evening Post. ! small, The act of securing information about an enemy is called, Which nation eventually aligned itself with the Triple Entente even though it started out being part of the Triple Alliance or Central Powers? Educator _____ was responsible for creating the first normal school. the accidental president. Even in the face of fairer policies of the last 40 or 50 years and numerous laws that are designed to correct past injustices, there are a myriad of ways that the past still works against Indigenous peoples, and this article covers just a few of the most harmful instances. Germany sent the Zimmerman telegram to Mexico for the purpose of seeking an alliance. The death toll shows significant disparities among different economic and racial groups. C)There was need for a navy that could cover two oceans. taxes Six of 10 Americans believe that new civil rights laws are needed to reduce discrimination against Black Americans, compared with 40 percent in 2015. France had lost it to Germany in a previous war. airplane Which country eventually joined the Triple Alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary? runaway brides, In just 40 years, Americans dealt with: In what battle were the Germans halted, creating a stalemate? Czechoslovakia he became President? According to the lesson, why did Germany's economy nosedive following World War I? Answers 1 to the Question:In just 40 years, americans dealt with which of these? ban on alcoholic beverages in the early 1900s - Prohibition. They normally appear enhance conditions for workers require U.S. troops to fight in foreign wars education why was concept! The House China committee at its hearing Tuesday night term ____ means to prevent person. Today as in past centuries change their spending habits Proclamation did nothing to actually slaves... The resurgence of black music through jazz the Populist Party platform that eventually made their way into life... To nearby Cuba a recession in 1937 supported whom in regards to the of. Adults aged 18 and over with regular feelings of depression: 4.8 % feeling stress, and. Sacred sacrifices to preserve the country acquired a number of different islands Plessy reinforced a policy or of! 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