The Role of Folk Music in Traditional African Society: The Igbo Experience 306 marriage rites, post natal ceremonies and other domestic duties. Taboos represent the main source of guiding principles regulating and directing the behaviour of individuals and the community towards the Supreme Being and especially the gods and the ancestors in African traditional societies (Dagba et al 145). I would like to mention just a few, which in my opinion are relevant to this topic. According to the Pew Research Center (2010), traditional African religions are still prevalent in Marriage plays significant roles in the Igbo status system for the individuals and their family and relatives. In this vein, traditional sex laws are relatively relevance in all African society to avoid a breach of good . Its no surprised therefore that wedding is usually conducted after the couple had performed their traditional rites. Whether the bride and groom fall in love or someone makes the match, meeting involves At marriage, every African Christian couple, especially in mission-founded churches, is confronted with three worlds the world of the traditional culture to which most parents of marrying-age children belong; the world of the civil or To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. Cambridge-Africa Programme. Marriage in Traditional African Society and Its Televance. Nina Evason, 2017. 5. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Efundula: Wo men's Initiation, Gender and Sexual Identities in Colonial and Post-Colonial Northern Namibia, Obstacles in the Way of Love: The Enslavement of Intimacy in Samuel Crowther and Ama Ata Aidoo, Optimal pipeline connection for the west african gas pipeline network, Towards an African Atlantic: Ama Ata Aidoo's diasporic theater. As both a sacrament and covenant, marriage is traceable back to its origin, God, who is Love. Its the start of a new life for the bride and groom, together and out of the households of their parents., Arranged Marriage is a form of Marriage when your parents, families, and communities pick who your significant other is. Marriage is sacred in Africa and beyond; because it solidifies relationships that enrich communities and nations by bringing forth new life and new hope. Woman-to-woman marriage involves the following persons: 1) the female husband . Traditional counselling is a growing area of interest in African contemporary society, especially amongst members of the counselling profession. When it comes to marriage, South Africa has various tribes and cultures which have very colourful traditional ceremonies. Theres no substitute for traditional marriage for on its foundation other traditions rest. In recent years, modern life, industry, P.O. There are also other factors, such as, industrialisation, migration, inculturation, globalisation, information technology which have played a role in the changes of the African cultures. The Igbo have a marriage system that straddles the line of old traditions, types, and new trends to the Igbo structure., Marriage is an important step in the life of nearly every human on earth. African traditional society and culture basing on an Afrocentric view can be depicted as an existent entity whereas the individuals belonging to a particular African society have and practice the traditions of that particular society and adhere to the culture in one way or the other. the existence of deep-rooted poverty, harmful traditional practices, restrictive laws and social attitudes all pose serious threats to the work of civil society activists in the region. Each community has a distinct political and social organization. For African women activists, and womens organisations, these threats are magnified. Though these networks may not continue in their traditional form, extended family relationships are still very close and important to one's life. As Siqwana-Ndulo (1998) stated, the institutions of family, marriage and household in African societies revolved around community. No matter her beauty or qualities, her failure to bear children is worse than committing genocide. It was possible for betrothal to happen when a girl had not yet reached her change of pubescent to later be married and was considered a marriage contract and if not followed, there would be great consequences. THE PLACE OF TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE IN AFRICAN CULTURE, Marriage not wedding was the real miracle. It was the marriage ceremony that attracted people to the place. Political philosophers have taken the organization of sex and reproduction to be essential to the health of the state, and moral philosophers have debated whether marriage has a special moral status and relation to the human good. The point is that this Thus, it recommended that cultural practices that are harmful to women should be discarded, About nine-in-ten Americans (88%) cited love as a very important reason to get married, ahead of making a lifelong commitment (81%) and companionship (76%), according to a 2013 Pew Research Center survey. An Election Year Guide to Mitt Romneys Religion, Woman in Islam by Dr. Sherif Abdel Azeem, Ph.D. Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Girls' experiences of religious and cultural practices: Human rights violations, Macho Masculinity: A Snare in the Context of HIV among the Manyika of Zimbabwe, (Re)producing an elite. This is neither biblical nor African custom but an aftermath of religion, colonization and perhaps misapplication of the scripture. The groom does not propose to the bride, but the family comes with him to give the idea of him marrying the bride (Widjaja). The list of issues that defy a conclusive reasoning is non exhaustive especially within the context of the same sex marriage debate and they include - the socio-cultural and psychological disconnect that children are exposed to when their parents are gay or transgender, the ever evolving definition of a family unit, the inadequacy of the laws available to take care but largely vague in interpretation, who raises the children in a same sex marriage setting among others. African Wedding Traditions Everything You Want To Know, TRADITIONAL ETHICS AND THE MAINTENANCE OF SOCIAL, CHRISTIAN VALUES AND AFRICAN CULTURE AN EVALUATION, MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE AMONG THE ASANTE Centre of African In this setting the families and relations of both couples gather in the brides family compound to celebrate their daughter and son entering into a marriage covenant and institution. An analysis of the cultural aspects of the marriage in the Shona traditional religion in Zimbabwe, Religion Mariage and Family Values in Africa, Christianity, Marriage and Family Life in Esanland, Silences in marriage laws in Commonwealth Africa: Womens position in polygynous customary marriages, Lessons from Scripture for Maasai Christianity, Lessons from Maasai Culture for the Global Church. Protecting its historic definition for the sake of our children and our future is both wise and courageous . TRADITIONAL ETHICS AND THE MAINTENANCE OF SOCIAL Such a reference would mean that the well-educated person would tend first to attribute his/her success to God, and so too would his/her family members. Cambridge African Film Festival. A bstract: The celebration of marriage manifests a union of love, joy and great intimacy. The point is that this See also Bonnie B. Keller, "Marriage by Elopement," African Social Research 27 (1979), 565-585. RITES OF PASSAGE AFRICAN TRADITIONAL REGION 1Dr. The escalating experiences of violence as force among married couples, call to question what it means to be husband and wife or whether marriage is merely an ideal so difficult to realize. Publisher of weekly, "Healing Words" and monthly, "Light the Way. These perceptions demonstrate a pattern of gender roles shaped by Western Judeo-Christian doctrine within the formal education curriculum, minimal inclusion of local history or cultural content,and loss of indigenous knowledge and practices. Today, the assumption is that all people, men and women, understand the urgent need to openly discuss and negotiate the need for safe sex, whichever way necessary, for the preservation of life and the integrity of families. This paper looks at how African marriage and family have evolved as a result of direct contact with both Islam and Christianity. Weefree Ministries - Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others so they can come to know Him and receive Him as personal Savior, go on to experience Him as Lord of their life, and go even further to know Christ as the essence of their Life, The place of traditional marriage in African culture. It is observed that the failure of Kofi Ako and Anowa's marriage was as a result of disobedience to good counsel of parents and elders of the community. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Each covenant has a senior partner and God appointed the man. This is to show how crucial it is! This is not to say that indigenous African spirituality represents a form of theocracy or religious totalitarianism not at all. When being married in the United states the man proposes or whatever the case is in the relationship, but in the Igbos relationship it is the family that plays part in the proposal. Usually they bring kola nuts and palm wine to feast on. kinship. Most African Americans get married but chances of the marriage lasting are slim. Instead, the women are told to go to court. This common occurrence usually brought about tremendous pain and grief to the slaves. Critics of apostolic sects have argued that, women in these apostolic churches are there to serve the sexual appetite of men hence the apostolic diet of wives. Traditional verses Current Situation in Africa Traditional African society knew only one religion, ATR which greatly shaped the lives of the African people. The Daily Bread devotional booklet of October 6, 2005 said, Marriage not wedding was the real miracle. The traditional values and beliefs of the African that stem from his culture include polygamy, belief in one supreme God as well as many other minor deities, love of children, music, dancing, respect for old age and authority, belief in a future life, marriage and funeral families, and misses the many meanings and practices of marriage that coexist in our society. . It presents quantitative data showing very low marriage rates among Zulu Some slaves tried to continue practices, such as polygamy, that were a part of traditional African cultures but were unsuccessful. Grounding its argument from the conceptual understanding of marriage from both the African and the Roman Catholic Church points of view, the paper discusses the aspect of hegemonic masculinities as one of the root causes of gender based violence that threatens the marriage bond. In Africa, it has not been any different. Even when they fought their ways through years of conflicts, thank God they have something to celebrate. On the other hand, payment of the bride price and bride items demonstrates the mans capacity to plant a family unit in the community as well as coming of age. African and Chinese cultures both have very intriguing ways of how they proceed with their ceremony. Alternation - Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa, Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences, A Study of Rural Women Participation in Education for Development in Kaduna State of Nigeria, 1. In various traditional African societies, the African woman possessed the power that binds the society together. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. So, modern couples are usually raised in traditional society, but with a lot of influences from modern, often western, education, television, radio, and so on. An analysis of the cultural aspects of the marriage in the Shona traditional religion in Zimbabwe, Religion Mariage and Family Values in Africa, Traditional Marriage System in Ikwerre from Pre colonial Times to the Recent Past, Title Women Subjugating Women: Re-Reading Mariama B's So Long a Letter and Scarlet Song Publication Date, UNDERSTANDING SAME SEX MARRIAGE AND ITS ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS ON AFRICAN VALUE SYSTEM: A CRITICAL STUDY OF THE NIGERIAN SOCIETY, is a Senior Research Fellow and Head of Religions and Philosophy Unit at the Institute of African Studies, Contemporary Zongo Communities in Accra Interfaith Marriages: The Case of Muslims and Christians in Accra, Elisheva Baumgarten, Judaism, in Don S. Browning and Marcia J. Bunge, eds., Children and Childhood in World Religions: Primary Sources and Texts (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2020), 15-81, SEXUAL DISCOURSE IN WOLE SOYINKA'S 'THE LION AND THE JEWEL' AND LOLA SHONEYIN'S 'THE SECRET LIVES OF BABA SEGI'S WIVES', Constructing the Meaning of Childlessness within the Luo Community of Western Kenya, BiAS 28 / ERA 6: "The Wounded Beast?" Among the Igbo marriage serves many different purposes other than unity between individuals and social status. Email:, CONFLICTS AFRICAN MARRAIGES FACE IN WESTERN CULTURE, CONFLICTS AFRICAN MARRIAGES FACE IN WESTERN CULTURE. In an article about the reality of arranged marriages, in Japan, when a woman reaches the age of 25 she and her parents make a packet of information about her including a picture of the young girl in a kimono. . Little wonder Mary felt so concerned when the marriage ran out of wine. In related literature, this period is defined as the emergent adulthood stage and it is of critical importance to establish and maintain romantic relationships during this transition period (Arnett, 2000). Blessed be the God of all creation for being in the business of creating marriages as well as rebuilding and amending them. Polygyny is that of which is practiced in the Maasai culture, as an ideal that is achieved only by that of the elder men of the tribe. family is linked to the broader community. As they witnessed their daughter and son make vows of marriage and enters into this Gods designed institution, they joyfully solicit Gods blessings on the new couple, wishing them growth and fruitfulness. The cultural values form a moral code, which regulates the community. Central to these customs is the institution of roora, the payment of bridewealth. 2 pages, 557 words. An old African proverb says, A man without a wife is like a vase without flowers. Its customary gifts [and not a price for buying a bride] in appreciation of the gift of a bride. These laws are cultural values. If she confirms, the groom comes back the next day with his father and elders to discuss the brides settlement price. Itcertainly places emphasis on sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others so they can come to know Him and receive Him as personal Savior, go on to experience Him as Lord of their life, and go even further to know Christ as the essence of their Life (see John 1:12; Colossians 2:6-7; Galatians 2:20; Philippians 3:8-10). The family occupies a pivotal place in every society and in the Africa continent at large. However, in Africa, the practice of arranged marriages isnt as commonly used as it used to be. In terms of methodology, qualitative analysis was adopted in examining how African integrated cultural life affect the marriage. It gives women in customary law marriages the same status and protection as women in civil . With the popularity of Christianity throughout Zimbabwe in mind, the article uses 1 Corinthians 7:4 (The wifes body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband) as the text that can be used for the liberation and empowerment of all women in the face of HIV and AIDS. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Woman-to-woman marriage can also be beneficial to persons other than the female husband. African traditional marriage requires parents consent and blessings. There are consequences on those who breached this norm. This paper is comprised of a literature review and an annotated bibliography of past and current empirical and theoretical scholarship and policy analysis concerning the de jure and de facto rules and norms of inheritance practices in African societies, particularly with regard to physical assets, and their effects on the intergenerational Your guess is as good as mine. in life. He is a prolific writer and columnist for Christian Herald, Christian Faith Trumpet and Christian Mirror. wives should be homemakers and primary caregivers were considered to be conservative. Hopefully by representing marriages to God, there would be a fresh touch of God on relationships and the Holy Spirit shall put together the pieces, making them whole. Women in Islam versus Women in the Judeo-Christianity: The Myth & The Reality By Dr. Sherif Abdel Azeem. I paid my toll more than twenty years ago. She is given the task to find her groom in a crowd of guests while she greets them. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. History Of Marriage Customs In Africa by J. Kgler / R. Gabaitse / J. Stiebert), Marriage and family life in Zimbabwean culture. Having a wife then to create a family with her and providing for them, is a rite a passage for most African American males. Contra Bamikole, the paper argues that the capacity of the agba (elder) to manage conflict shrewdly in traditional Yoruba society was a combined function of the elders personality, proverbial To maintain some family identity, parents named their children after themselves or other relatives or sometimes gave them African names., It is said that the Africa culture stands out more than any other culture In the World. (NICATD, Crystalrlombardo) There can be many pros and cons to arranged marriages. The Bahama of Africa and tribes of Samoa. From tying the knot to jumping the broom, the traditions incorporated in African American weddings are often a mix of customs borrowed . They also include a description of her familys background, education, hobbies, accomplishments and interests. People in the traditional African society holds positive views about older people. The size of the clan could differ from one to the other. Most of the time, it takes more than one day to discuss the settlement price. So unhappy is the woman who fails to get children. I pray African Christians to re-examine most European concept we give prime place while undermining our rich traditional culture. Introduction At marriage, every African Christian couple, especially in mission-founded churches, is confronted with three 'worlds' - the world of the traditional culture to which most parents of marrying-age children belong; the world of the civil or Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(4), 4 23. society, there exists within the African traditional marriage system resources available, which if discerned and learned properly can help checkmate or even stalemate some of the ills it suffers today. These three ceremonies involve fortune and time. But our citizenship is in heaven. They shall witness, bless and rejoice for Gods fulfillment, support and encourage them as they pass through new experiences of starting life together. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. [2] It is common practice in Africa to combine practices of major religions with local religious traditions. African culture and traditions are handed down from generation to generation. While a single lesson plan cannot fully explore the variety and complexity of African life, in this lesson students can gain insight into the lives of some black women in Sub-Saharan Africa by adopting a perspective that is in part traditional, based on the arts of African village life, and in part. traditional African society. Get ideas to incorporate into yours. Despite this, recent studies on the marriage institution reveal that speaking of marriage as an exclusive union of love, joy, and great intimacy risks being termed a contradiction amidst the experiences of violence today. Ochieng, E. (2019). 4. African wedding traditions are about as varied and diverse as the countries and tribes that make up the continent. At the beginning of the wedding, the bride walks around, selling boiled eggs to her guests to prove that shes able to make money. For example, if the culture, values private property, it will have laws that forbid theft of property. Unfortunately the status of Zimbabwean women is still in a sad state due to the prevalence of masculinist and patriarchal norms that negatively portray Zimbabwean women as subordinates and men as dominating all aspects of life. In some African regions if the couple is residing abroad, the traditional marriage will still be accomplished even in their absence by the family members back home. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. Explain how people in the Traditional African Community prevented calamities from befalling them. Marriage is the basis of family. Several studies have confirmed that. In The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia (1867), Samuel Baker documents a steady slave trade from Abyssinia and Sudan to Egypt and the harbour towns of the Red Sea coast. moving away from patriarchal . moral confusion and conflict that presently confront African Christians at marriage. We missed a balanced understanding of the contradictions that this ambiguity presented. Greiner, C. & W. Kokot. Hg. To learn more, view ourPrivacy Policy. The Process of Marriage in African Societies: A Multiple Indicator Approach Created Date: 20160811045033Z The article explores a variety of marital counselling approaches relevant to African settings: indigenous, Western, Christian and Islamic. Anyone can have a wedding but only God can create a marriage. Beyond the Quest for Historical Jesus in African Christianity: Albert Nolan, Jacques Dupuis and the Universality of Christ's saving work, Polygamy in the Bible With Implications for Seventh-day Adventist Missiology, BiAS 22: The Bible and Gender troubles in Africa (ed. Slaves weren 't allowed to marry, but they didn 't let that stop them, they created their own marriages. Both African-American husbands and wives in this study held more traditional views than white couples; Latinos were found to be no more or less traditional than whites. These issues amongst others portend a changing landscape for the future of family law and to a larger extent the human race. All Rights Reserved. letters from the traditional council. In general, all ceremonies use the same principles. African Conception on Marriage and Family Marriage occupies an important position in the affairs of Africans, especially in the past. These enquiries are crucial because the couple entering into marriage each represents its family in the relationship. - Single Women, Tradition, and the Bible in Zimbabwe (by Kudzai BIRI, with a foreword by Joachim Kgler), The loudness of the Unsaid: Proverbs in selected African drama, Not a boy, not a child": A qualitative study on young people's views on childbearing in Uganda, Isukha Traditional Marriage Processes and Rituals in Pre-Colonial Kenya. 3 (3), 14 35. (c) Give six ways the Traditional Africans used to maintain their relationship with the In Zimbabwe, the "family" traditionally refers to an expansive. These items show evidence of ownership and when accepted by brides father or his representative evidence transfer authority of ownership of the bride from the father to the husband. 6. This article investigates links between ilobolo (bridewealth) practices and marriage outcomes in contemporary Zulu society. Woman-to-woman marriage involves the following persons: 1) the female husband herself; 2) if the female husband is already married, her own husband (the female husband's husband); 3) the woman who is married by the female husband - the wife; and 4) the lover (s) of the wife who may father her children. Journal of Nigerian Association for the Study of Religions (NASR), Icheke Journal of the Faculty of Humanities, UCLA Ufahamu: A Journal of African Studies, Oracle of Wisdom Journal of Philosophy and Public Affairs, African Studies Quarterly, Vol. love, CourtShip, and marriage in afriCa 121 exact words to express amorous or romantic love. Second, the continued Eurocentric descriptions and characterization of the African traditional family as some what depraved lead to the use of such terms as bride price, avoidance social taboos, segregated relationships, lack of love and tenderness in African marriages and families. It is an end or goal and its desirability can be taken for granted unconsciously. God then enacted a rule, for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and they become one. This rule was for the man whom God through this event satisfied his loneliness. In traditional marriage, the religious aspects include the preliminary divination by which the young man who seeks a wife is enabled to find out from what clan or lineage his Chi (Guardian Spirit) permits him to take a wife of fortune from. Satria Rizaldi Alchatib, Joseph Habamahirwe, Journal of Nigerian Association for the Study of Religions (NASR), Oracle of Wisdom Journal of Philosophy and Public Affairs. THE ROLE OF AFRICAN TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE RITES ON MARITAL STABILITY: A CASE OF THE ABAGUSII PEOPLE, KENYA January 2022 Project: Post-doctoral Research Authors: Esther Kerebi Nyamache The. 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