Advantages of Owning a Pet. The dog gets a healthy environment to stay in with the best nutritional food, while the owner also gets massive emotional support and a loyal companion. The dog is entirely yours once the contract is fulfilled. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. A responsible breeder may co-own ~5 dogs while a breeder who utilizes guardian homes can easily have 20+ dogs in guardian homes, Guardian homes tend to have very rigid contracts, usually specifying things like the number of litters the dog will have. The more Guardian Families means, the more dogs the breeder can use to breed litters. The age depends on the gender of the dog. Its one less dog suffering on a puppy farm. Neutering will only make your pet healthier and may even save his life! Providing a great life for a dog includes being able to meet its needs. This is especially true if you plan to be a Guardian Home for a female. If youre wondering if you should become a Guardian dog owner, weve prepared two lists with pros and cons. Loved her to pieces. Not all dogs are okay with their owners snuggling up to them, but most will at least tolerate the interaction. . Before we move into the pros and cons of being a guardian dog owner, let us try to understand what guardianship means. There is a need to live close to the dog breeders since they will need to check on the well-being of the dogs every now and then. They understand the emotions we are going through and cheer us up during such situations. The children will get more sociable and kind. Food should always be available at all times. So, on that note, let us go through some pros and cons that come with owning a dog. As a breed, Coonhounds are very good guard dogs. However, every case is different, thats why its important to read the contract carefully. As a dog Guardian, it will still be down to you to keep the dog healthy and happy, but at least youll be starting with a very promising base. You get the reward of companionship and love from your dog, while the breeder is satisfied knowing their dogs are raised in a loving environment. This is a real formal contract between guardian and breeder that carries legal obligations. Since the dogs are female, you will have to accept the physical complications that come with them during their heat cycle. Since these dogs are meant to be bred for mating purposes, the puppies must be healthy and strong with a good temperament. Owning a pet can make you more responsible. Before the willing person signs the contract for the Guardian dog owner, the breeder checks the person's lifestyle, family, and home to know whether the person can take care of the dog or not. Having a pet by our side when we are going through tough times is a great help. Before you decide to take in a dog, you must consider how much time you can invest in the dog in one day. 2. The best part is taking the dog for walks along with the children. Keep in mind that low-maintenance doesn't mean no maintenance. Pregnant dogs require a lot of specialized care and frequent health testing before and after their due date. The Guardian Home program is actually a very simple and rewarding program even though it may seem like there's a lot of details.. being a guardian dog owner is meant to be a rich and fulfilling experience for everyone involved and designed to keep our breeding dogs healthy and happy but also our guardian families. She will also have ownership over the puppy. The dogs are affectionate towards their owners and have adapted themselves to become the best human companion. The Kuvasz. This breed stays relatively quiet when you are at home. It is probably one of the hardest times for all guardian dog owners, where they have to give the dogs yearly for some months. Some breeders will even pay you per litter that the dog has. She will be restless and can be attracted to any male dog when in heat. They will be loved, nurtured, and live a normal life. Life With a Dog: A Guide on Being a Better Dog Owner! The dog lives with the family, or Guardian Family, when it is not used for breeding. Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. Responsibilities of a Dog Guardian. They have adapted themselves to become mans best friends and have helped the earliest humans hunt food and guard homes. They also cost a fair amount of money for food, vet bills, grooming, and other miscellaneous needs. One will usually outlive them. After meeting all stipulations established by the breeder, these furry friends often become full-fledged members of their guardians families. Dog Training: If youve ever owned a puppy, you know that they require a lot of training to grow into a well-behaved adult. Regardless of how good any of these programs are, I think its a horrible way to go about placing and breeding dogs. Its a unique circumstance to own a dog, and its not for everyone. Now you may have got to know that the breeders don't give away the dogs to random persons who are incapable of taking good care of dogs; they look for a Guardian Dog Owner who's capable of providing love, care, and attention to the new pet. Known For: When hearing "Livestock Guardian Dog," many automatically picture a Great Pyrenees. Lets start! This can be due to the breeder already having multiple dogs in their care. Funny story- there was a co-owner who wasn't the one showing our dog and wasn't local so took the other owners word that she was pet quality. Where Should My Kitten Sleep On The First Night? A Guardian Home Program is a unique way to bring a dog into your life. Depending on the circumstances, it may be preferable to be a home for a male dog. Every breeder has a unique set of traits or characteristics that they are seeking in a Guardian Family. You will need to cut down on your travels during vacations and give more impetus to the dog. In subacute infections, the animal usually develops a fever, anorexia, vomiting of bile, dehydration, and increased thirst. Bathe the Beagle only when necessary. The Boerboel, pronounced Boo-r-bull, is a large guardian dog which is also known as the South African Mastiff.. An impressive breed, they are one of the most powerful dogs in the world, exerting more than 450 pounds of pressure per square inch when they bite. After the pups are weaned (~ 6 weeks), she goes back to the guardian home. It seems more human than large puppy farms where there isnt enough time, and usually space, to pay attention to each dog and its needs. As a Guardian dog owner, you can give your dog the life it deserves. But since 2015 when the company was founded, Ive been using Ollie Petfood. And after you have signed the formal contract, you can bring the dog/puppy home so that they can grow into healthy canines that can breed during mating seasons. For all you de facto "parents," pets are more like your children. My Dog Wont Let Me Put Ear Drops In What To Do? Dr. CLK- Owning a dog is a doomed love affair in most cases. The specific timeline for the dogs return to the breeder is specific to the breeder and its program. And because guard dogs are smart, they are not only good at guarding your property, but they are also good at being a service dog. They're good souls with quirky personalities and so much love to give. Keep reading and youll gain some knowledge about this topic. While there is a joy that your dog will have babies, on the other side, you'll also have to go through a hard time. Usually, the breeders pay for the dog's food, nutritional requirements, and medical necessities, but it all depends on the breeder you are taking the dog from and the agreement you signed. They'll Light Up Your Life. You get to experience the joy of raising a dog. If you think you can give her enough attention, you can become a guardian dog owner. We respect your privacy. I hope this article has helped you just a bit in everyday life as a dog owner. Female dogs will have to stay with the breeder for a couple of weeks during and after pregnancy. Becoming a Guardian Family for a dog breeder may be your best option. 10. Ensure that the dog is well socialized with other dogs and people. Everyone running one of these programs is an irresponsible breeder imo. Unsubscribe at anytime. The best thing you can do is to ensure you know the ins and outs of the contract youre signing. You have to teach specific manners and activities using commands. Is Hot Glue Safe For Hamsters? Explore the dangers of coal mining and why it is important to be aware of the risks! If you are going to be a Guardian Home, you will want to make sure that the puppy is well-socialized towards children. This is a written agreement between the Guardian and the breeder to maintain the dog healthy and to enable the dog to be bred a set number of times before being retired. So, what exactly does it mean and which are the pros and cons of being a guardian dog owner? The breeder only uses your space as a shelter for the dog. It is far more humane than the alternative of puppy farms, which do not provide the love, care, and attention any dog needs to thrive. Affectionate and friendly. Harnessing the power of nature for renewable energy biomass is the way to go! When female dogs go into season, theyll experience vulvar swelling and vaginal bleeding. Yes, you can be a Guardian Family for a stud. A big con for a lot of dog owners is the price. by keeping the dog in one area in the yard. Willing to let the breeder visit your home. It Decreases the Expense of Owning a Pet Although this should not be the only reason behind your decision to become a Guardian pet owner, this is an advantage. Because it's very hard to relocate a dog from where they have grown up to a new environment with new people and family, the breeder can keep the dog and get a loyal life companion. - Forum; 14 Tibetan Mastiff Pros And Cons Learn More About This Breed With These 10 Good And Bad Traits; 15 Panel offers pros, cons on use of guardian animals; 16 Doberman Pinscher pros and cons; 17 Guardian Program | Hurricane Dogs; 18 Pros and . If it is a female dog, it will return to the Guardian Home for the duration of its pregnancy. Yes, in almost all instances that I have seen, the Guardian Family gets to keep the dog. But with the dog breeders, that isn't the case. You must be willing to stay in the same house for a certain time. Here's a tabled view of the pros and cons of Labradors. Spending about 50 hours per week on researching and discovering, she is always up to date with pet trends. Since youll need to live close to the breeder, you wont be able to relocate or at least, not far away while youre under contract with the breeder. Finally, you can consult with a lawyer and he/she can check if there are some illegal terms. If youre unsure whether or not youd be a good fit, read on to hear our pros and cons of being a Guardian dog owner. Wants to own a dog and you are thinking that you should be able to become a perfect guardian dog owner? The reason dog breeders look for guardian dog owners is so that the puppies will have healthy and happy lives. Kevin is a proud Bernedoodle owner and Doodle dog fanatic. Strengthening and en-forcing existing animal cruelty laws will address those who treat their dogs in an inhumane man-ner. This program involves me receiving a puppy at a discounted rate of just $500 deposit. At this point, the dog will typically go back to the breeder for mating. Below are a few questions and qualifications that are typically found in an application to make sure you are a good fit for the breeder: Breeders prefer local families. Since youll be a dog owner for life once youve fulfilled your contract duties, you can expect to enjoy the many benefits being a dog owner brings. Be sure to be familiar with the terms and conditions.The last thing you would want to do is raise a dog for years to have the breeder decide they want them back. If they have tons of different dogs they breed, they can use the program to continuously breed puppies without actually doing the work to take care of their studs and dams. Weight: 80 - 120 pounds. Female dogs experience various physical complications when they enter the heat cycle. Then vomiting and rapid dehydration may develop. Female dogs require extensive, periodic health checks during their pregnancy. All this process is very time-consuming so before owning a dog, consider how much free time you have as your pet and your family need your proper time. Moreover, a Guardian dog owner doesn't have to spend money on the dog's needs. There are no certainties when you adopt or buy a dog by yourself. The owner of this site,, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to 128 : "guardian dog home pros and cons - Livestock Guardian Dogs-Pros u0026 Cons of owning one!"? Read how a chance encounter with two Bernedoodles spurred a lifelong passion here. These dogs show good temperament and get friendly with the whole family in just a few days. This means that your priority should be the dog for most of your time. The European Coal and Steel Community: Unity Through Strength! They are kind and calm, both to humans and other animals. At the puppy farms, the breeders don't have any space, but they still keep breeding the dogs for the sake of money. The core purpose of a breeder is to breed dogs to produce puppies, which they can sell or give up for adoption. Biomass: The renewable energy thats green, clean and here to stay! In fact, the majority of times, youll even be able to choose the dog yourself. In short, to fulfill the duties of a guardian dog owner, you may need to cut down on your traveling plans. In most cases, these breeders will allow the dog to stay with guardian dog owners once their duties are fulfilled. All dogs require a level of care that isnt free. Where there are pros of being a Guardian dog owner, there are also some cons of being guardian dog owner have a look at them: 1 Can't move to any other place for the: The disadvantage of being a guardian dog owner is that you cannot relocate your home to another city or state until the contract is completed. Can be stubborn. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Labradoodle Home does not intend to provide veterinary advice. Make sure youre in the right position to take on the role before making any commitments. Do you want to subscribe to our newsletter? Remember these expectations when deciding whether being someone elses protector is right for you! Pros Of Being A Guardian Dog Owner. Allowing the dog to be bred for a certain number of litters or period, Paying an initial deposit, which is refunded after the dogs first litter. This is a formal contract between the Guardian and the breeder to keep the dog in good health, and to allow the dog to be bred a certain number of times before they are retired. If you have children at home, they will have a wonderful friend to play with. First, well say more about what a guardian dog owner is, so you can get a better idea of that program. After all, I own a massive Bernedoodle in a one-bedroom apartment. Here are the cons of being a Guardian dog owner. Breeders breed dogs to produce puppies for commercial and other purposes, and this process is expensive and requires much time to take care of the dogs. Guardian dog ownership is both beneficial for dogs and people the dogs get a healthy environment, whilst people get loyal friends and companions. In return, she has the rights to then take my dog (at 1.5 years old) and breed her so she can produce more puppies and sell them. They can assist you in your daily activities. Best 6 Cat Camera With Treat Dispensers: Reward Your Cat Even If You Arent Home, Best 6 Cat Cameras With Laser: Keep Your Cat Entertained When You Are Away, Best 6 Wireless/WiFi Dog Cameras: Monitor Your Dog 24/7 No Matter Where You Are, Best 6 Wireless/WiFi Dog Treat Dispensers: Reward Your Dog Remotely With Treats, Best 6 Indoor Dog Cameras: Monitor Your Dog And Your Home Whenever You Want, Best 6 Interactive Dog Cameras: Talk, Play And Reward Your Dog Even If You Arent There, Best 6 Cameras To Watch Dog At Home: Supervise Your Dog And Your Home, Best 3 Pet Cameras On Collars: Record Your Pets Adventures. They enjoy being outdoors but can be a bit too friendly for this type of role. Or, if you are unable to raise the dog, you could give them back to the breeder or another Guardian Family. How much can you really dedicate to taking care of a new family member? So before signing any contract, discuss everything with the dog breeder, and know how much money the breeder is willing to spend so that there is no ambiguity and you can take the dog home or go for other breeds. The basic requirements for becoming a Guardian Dog Owner are: Prior experience with dogs. Daily walks give your dog a minimum required workout so that they can stay healthy too. For starters, pet owners are less likely to suffer from mental health conditions like depression than those without pets. Hi, my name is Thomas, and as far as I can remember Ive had dogs around me. So if you agree to become a Guardian dog owner, you must give your valuable time and energy to the dog. . The best practice would be to establish a good relationship with your breeder. But, before you make this commitment, its essential to read through and understand all terms in the contract between yourself and the breeder, outlining obligations and the support you can expect from them. While many people dont agree with dog breeding, deeming it a cruel and inhumane practice that serves the purpose solely of making a profit, its probably always going to exist. Another study shows that people with pets have lower blood pressure than those without pets. Becoming a guardian dog owner is an excellent way to bring a new pet into your family without the financial burden of ownership. Eventually, the dog will be entirely yours, so you should pay for it, I guess? Pros or Advantages of Raising Saint Bernard. You don't know about the puppy's health, and sometimes you spend all your money on veterinary bills and medicines. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. You are providing a breeding dog with an incredible life. Ultimately, the decision to become a Guardian Home is yours alone. It would be fair to say that this dog is a lover, not a fighter, even though some breeders in the past tried to make them that way. Is it a beneficial thing to have a guard dog? So here are the Pros of being a Guardian dog owner. There are also some setbacks that you will face as a guardian dog owner. In some cases, an initial deposit may be needed. However, before you sign a Guardian Home contract, you must go over all the details with the breeder. Beagles are vocally very expressive. For at least the next year or two (possibly more depending on your contract), youll need to live close to the breeder. She then offered me the Guardian Home Program. "We're in a pet-overpopulation crisis," says Bellis. Ability to teach basic commands such as sit, stay, and leave it. Unlike other dog breeds, the Beagle has an easy-to-manage short coat. I have seen some breeders require a fully fenced yard as part of their application. Allowing access to the dog for breeding, which may require some travel. After having information about the role of a Guardian dog owner, Do you want to become one? Plus, it goes without saying that its not really fair on the dog to keep traveling around if it means hes forced to live in kennels for long periods of time. The breeder wants to ensure that you can devote enough time to proper socialization, training, and exercise. However, they reap the rewards by breeding the dogs and selling the puppies. First, let me tell you a little more about what a Guardian dog owner is, so you can get a better idea of what your role would be. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Just make sure you maintain consistency with the rules and expected behavior to save confusing your dog and weakening the effectiveness of the training. Image Credit: Paolo Seimandi, Shutterstock. If you can manage these things easily, you should become a Guardian dog owner; otherwise, it will be unfair to your family and the dog. Lets find out! As a Guardian, it will be your job to keep your pooch well-trained. Generally speaking, this breed is slightly longer than it is tall, with an average weight of approximately 60 to 70 pounds. You can teach basic commands to the dog. But it's wise to review the pros and cons of being a Guardian Family. Some of My Favorite Products For Dog Owners. And if the answer is yes, what are the pros and cons of being a guardian dog owner? Before you do make any commitment here, I've rounded up the Pros and Cons of Being a Guardian Dog Owner so that you can take the best decision. From the start of the heat period, she will be attracted to male dogs. It is also a way for people to gain experience on how to look after and love an animal before considering taking ownership of one. If you are serious about becoming a Guardian home, you must have the following: Of course, the rules and requirements for being a Guardian owner will depend on the breeder and the specific contract. After producing offspring a few times, it is common to let them enjoy the rest of their lives with the guardian dog family. (210) 354-2244 Dog breeders use guardians or guardian families to keep their dogs in good health and have good and happy lives. Allowing the dog to be bred for a certain number of litters or period. As part of your duty as a Guardian dog owner, youll be expected to return her to the breeder for about nine weeks whenever shes ready to whelp her litter. The Fila Brasileiro is a breed that is believed to be a cross of Mastiffs, Bloodhounds, and Spanish Bulldogs. You get to fill that gap! Labradoodles picture themselves as being the alpha in their pack. 1. And only about 38% of animal shelter admissions are pit bulls, but the dogs account for 63% of shelter euthanizations. The breeders take the dog with them for about nine weeks. Without a doubt, its emotional and even more difficult if you have young kids, as its a difficult concept to explain. Let us see what they are. Not only are you raising and nurturing your dog, but you will also have to be open to letting the breeder take over when they want a new litter. Amsberry Law explains the guardianship benefits and the pitfalls of guardianship. Russian prisons are said to be one of the world's most violent and dangerous places. Guardian is someone who has signed a contract to care for the dog on behalf of its owner, and the ownership belongs to the dog breeder. The guardian dog owner also does not have to spend a lot on food supplies and other medical necessities. Sometimes you are also allowed to choose the dog on your own. Dogs are great companions for families as well, helping your children grow and (eventually) learn the . The ability of a potential dog owner to provide love, care, and attention is most important. Public education will also teach dog owners This type of program has become attractive for both breeders and families. A guardian dog owner is someone who agrees to take in puppies or dogs from breeders to care for and give them a healthy environment to grow up in. The Guardian pays all costs involved with good daily care of the dog. Or, it could be that the breeder does not have the time to care for all their breeding dogs year-round. They don't just bark, they howl, they cry, they bay, they whine. Let us look at some of them. Travel destination and tourist options are limited. The worst-case scenario is that you would have to break the contract and pay the breeder for the total price of the dog. Its extremely important to consider how much free time you have. They invest a lot in dog breeding, and their primary purpose is to have healthy pups at the end of the day. The breeders need to have the dog give birth under their supervision. Once the dog reaches a particular stage in her life, she can retire from birthing puppies and enjoy the rest of her life. Hes supposed to be a family member after all. A dog also understands human behavior to build a great bond with family members. Whats more, youll be expected to work with the breeder from time to time. Con: A Second Dog is More Expensive. Not allow the dog to be around intact males during the heat cycle. Wary of strangers, this large dog breed is a powerful dog with a massive head and a broad deep muzzle. Ultimately, the decision to become a Guardian Home is yours alone. If youre looking for the most up-to-date recommendations, check out my recommended products section that Ive created to help every dog owner! Do you have enough free time/availability to be a Guardian Family? As a Guardian Dog Owner, your role is to take on pups or puppies from breeders and ensure they receive excellent care within an environment full of love. The breeder pays for all costs involved in the breeding (ultrasounds, sonograms, etc.). The dog gets a healthy environment to stay in with the best nutritional food, while the owner also gets massive emotional support and a loyal companion. Transporting the dog to and from the breeder/owner would have been at my expense. The breeder wants you to stay close to them so that he can keep a check on the well-being of the dog. There are several personality traits that define this breed, with many of them being polite, playful, and funny. Not long ago I got a Labradoodle, and I decided to write about this fantastic dog. . Keeping a pet keeps you healthy and improves your overall well-being. Let's explore a few of them. Like the other livestock . Pros. You will give your dog to the breeder for mating, whelping, etc.