How can I get this added into my module? Windstream Lodge stood on Skuldask Road, southeast of Elturel, and Stone Eagle Lodge stood beside the Chionthar, west of Elturel and downstream; these marked the borders of Elturel's reach circa 1366 DR.[7], In the farmlands to the west, north, and east, they had warning beacons ready to light. The DC of this check is reduced by 5 for each of the following NPCs that are present when the characters try to redeem Zariel: characters, the hollyphant regains all of her spellcasting abilities and weeps for what Zariel has become. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. Reya believes the Cult of the Dead Three is responsible for the destruction of Elturel and wants revenge. Since I bought this module I'm hoping there is a way to use it without having to add to my personal storage. Place Windows and Place Doors is available to all Plus and Pro subscribers. They are one of the most renowned and well-regarded military forces in the Realms. From that day on, the remaining riders became the elite guard of Elturel, called the Hellriders. Reya Mantlemorn has been a member of the Hellriders of Elturgard since she was old enough to join, and has defended her homeland from orcs and bandits and worse in her tenure. Zariel was defeated, and the remnants of her army returned to Elturel, overcome with grief at the loss of their glorious general but confident that the lords of the Nine Hells would think twice about threatening Elturel again. Suddenly, it takes notice of you and stands upright. You can begin the first chapter with the characters meeting Reya Mantlemorn at the Elfsong Tavern along with her seedy contact, Tarina, who knows the hidden location of the Cult of the Dead Three. Surprisingly, help camethe rogue angel Zariel (desiring to destroy devils and demons and to have a mortal army to fight for her in the Blood War) came to Elturel the next day, declaring she'd found the gate in the Fields of the Dead west of Elturel through which the devils were pouring, and that she would lead the cavalry through to defeat them where they mustered. The game is available now for PC on Steam and Epic, for console on Xbox One, Switch, and PlayStation 4, and for mobile on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices!Find out more and download the game right now for free at www.IdleChampions.comHosted by:GaarawarrTwitch: good luck and fades away as her soul passes into the afterlife. Thank you! The Hellriders helped Elturel establish and maintain civilization in these harsh lands. They also help us understand how our site is being used. As a quick fix, her art is in the conceptual art section, you could probably use an image editor to make a token. Reya Mantlemorn from the D&D 5e adventure module Descent Into Avernus Touch here for the full post on the Women With Protection tumblr -- Get a statue as powerful as her from eBay! Press J to jump to the feed. It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. Terror gripped the hearts of all. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with, Another picture of my character Aria Hawkwood (Helmet alt in the comments, art by @TwinSuns2 onTwitter), Reya Mantlemorn from the D&D 5e adventure module Descent Into Avernus, Touch here for the full post on the Women With Protection tumblr. Again, hopefully this will be fixed soon, but it should allow you to move on. How to react to a students panic attack in an oral exam? She uses the veteran statblock. a significant number of years surely must have passed since the age stated in the second quote above and now, otherwise she's damn strong (not to mention skilled and experienced) for her age. For every fiend they destroyed, it seemed as though two more appeared elsewhere. Should I add anything to the Veteran Stat block or should I justtransfer the Veteran Stat block to a character sheet for this guest player and brief them about Reya's backgroubnd. [1][3], Reya was born in the land of Turmish, but came to the city of Elturel when she was twelve, so that she could train as a Hellrider. Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. The party has already accepted her as an ally and they just recently completed the Upstairs of the Villa and are in possession of the Infernal puzzle. Given the fact that she is described as a teenager, that puts her somewhere between 13 and 19 years old (according to the generally agreed-upon definition of a teenager). [1][2][3] In the 1400s, they wore the new crest of Elturgard: the sun and its smaller, blazing companion. They were hailed as heroes, and they carried the truth of their cowardice to their graves. [16] When she thought them ready, in the Year of the Bow, 1354 DR, Zariel, riding her golden mastodon, led them out of the city, with the cheers and good wishes of the Elturians behind them, and embarked on the Ride, a glorious mounted charge through the gate into Avernus. The prayers of Elturel had been heard, and help had come. Touch here for the full post on the Women With Protection tumblr Get a statue as powerful as her from eBay!! Change). You should check them out. the characters embarking on a quest to save Elturel while Ulder Ravengard and Reya Mantlemorn stay behind to organize survivors and defend the city. Can the Heat Metal spell target the Infernal War Machines from the Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus adventure? The Hellriders helped Elturel establish and maintain civilization in these harsh lands. weapon and hide it, so that the devils would not destroy or corrupt it. Zariel feels sorrow as she remembers Lulus friendship. Suspicious referee report, are "suggested citations" from a paper mill? In the 1300s, this included the farmed and settled parts of the Fields of the Dead up and down the Skuldask Road and Dusk Road, and the banks and nearby reaches of the River Chionthar using their four rowing barges. In this story, fiends roamed the Fields of the Dead north and west of Elturel, stripping fields bare, slaying livestock, burning houses, and dragging folk away to an unknown yet horrible doom. Reya Mantlemorn (pronounced:/remntlmrn/RAY-ahMAN-tul-morn[2]) was a soldier of the Hellriders in the late 15th century DR.[1], She was a dutiful soldier who held the Creed Resolute close to her heart. It's a Sith legend. , the city will be pulled down into the River Styx and bound to the Nine Hells forever. Then you have the original art with which to construct a token. Encounters can be spawned into the world with just a quick button click. As a faithful follower of Torm, Reya is prepared and has trained to sacrifice herself for the greater good. Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? their offer and produces a contract stating that she will release the city in exchange for the sword, delivered without any complications or deceit. They could fire their bows from their backs of their horses while on the move without hindrance. Fort Knucklebone alone as long as Mad Maggie keeps the other warlords in the area in check. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Inspired byDF, Assassins Creed: Brotherhood of Venice Alessandra by TatianaVetrova, [OC] [ART] Cagalli, Dark Elf Cleric and Rogue; and Amanitta, Shroompy Sidekick byCatilus, Farewell to the steppe ( ) by DmitryBezrodniy, Do the women have to be human? Thanks for the input. , Maggie has the means to unlock the memories. When the zoomed preview comes up, right click on the image and save to disk, or open it in a new tab and save that to disk. [8][9], Thanks to the Hellriders' vigilance, caravans and convoys of riverboats chose routes through Elturel's zone of control so they could relax their own security, if only for a day or two. I did just as you suggested and it worked. Situated at strategic sites, these Lodges were protected by stockades and strong magical wards against arson and theft, which could be bypassed by certain ward tokens. They'll see your report there. Character Name Alignment Race Homeland; Class Background Deity Faction; Gender Age Height Weight; Hair Skin Eyes Experience Points; Languages Gaarawarr's Guide to Reya Mantlemorn | Idle Champions | D&D Codename Entertainment 3.69K subscribers Subscribe 2.7K views 1 year ago Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at. [7][4] For a city guard, they outmatched the armies of whole realms. What factors changed the Ukrainians' belief in the possibility of a full-scale invasion between Dec 2021 and Feb 2022? I made this token set of Viking Villagers and shared these two as a potential replacement for the missing Reya art in another thread (as she is a redhaired woman). prepares to lead her forces through the portal into Avernus, all other creatures except for her, someone with a history of battling devils in the Nine Hells. Thinking about something that confuses her, art byme, Girl in Golden Armor by GagaTurmanishvili, Girl in a golden armor by GagaTurmanishvili, A Mothers Rage By Renvich. So any work arounds that don't include downloading and re-uploading content I have purchased would be welcome. You can now print or save sheets. If a Hellrider overstepped the limits of law or proper behavior, their comrades would admonish them to "recall the Creed". Six months ago, she set out with a group of paladins and other hellriders to retrieve an artifact of Torm, Loyaltys Sacrifice, that had been captured by orcs. Watchers on the roofwalks of Elturel's High Hall, home of the High Rider, were always on the lookout for returning Hellriders or the smoke or fire of the beacons. Reya's Stats Role: Support Eligible for Patrons: Mirt the Moneylender, Vajra Safahr, Strahd von Zarovich, Zariel Slot: 6, (Asharra) III. Six months ago, she set out with a group of paladins and other hellriders to retrieve an artifact of Torm, Loyalty's Sacrifice, that had been captured by orcs. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. She traveled with the party to investigate rumors of the Cult of the Dragon in the northern woods, and was happy to be back on her horse and out under the open sky. Any given point on the road would be passed by a Hellrider patrol every four hours, day and night, every day. Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms is a strategy game uniting iconic Dungeons \u0026 Dungeons characters from novels, campaigns, and popular shows into one epic adventure. The warriors who had abandoned their duty tarnished and damaged their armor and together made up a story highlighting the tragic defeat of Zariel and her generals, and their narrow escape. the characters embarking on a quest to save Elturel while Ulder Ravengard and Reya Mantlemorn stay behind to organize survivors and defend the city. A Veteran actual gets 3 attacks. [5] One book about them was Last Charge of the Hellriders. How can I use that art on the character page I have created? They're just small cartoons so they shouldn't take a ton of your space. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. As a faithful follower of Torm, Reya is prepared and has trained to sacrifice herself for the greater good. ]Neither magic nor divine intervention can reverse this transformation. Plus, you have our Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. JavaScript is currently disabled. She uses the veteran statblock. Maybe just throw in some fighter features like Action Surge and Second Wind? [OC] Dnd characters that I drew. - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus. How can we avoid this problem? The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? (LogOut/ Thank you. As I understand it, this means that you are permanently given all of the various traits, regardless of whether you remain attuned to the weapon or not, or whether or not Elturels warriors did ride into Hell with Zariel at the lead. [15][note 3][note 4], In any case, the Hellriders were well-established and famous across Faern through the late 1350s, 1360s, and early 1370s DR.[5][2][7][6], In the mid-1360s DR,[note 5] the city was visited by a mysterious magical veil, stretching from the land to the sky, so Lord Dhelt sent a couple of Hellriders to investigate. [6], The warriors were close-knit and exceptionally loyal, both to each other and to their commanders. Reya Mantlemorn is our latest Evergreen Champion! The High Rider of Elturel implored the people to pray to the gods for help. In the Descent into Avernus adventure, all food and drink tastes bad when consumed in Avernus. Roll20 uses cookies to improve your experience on our site. In addition to guarding and policing the city itself, they patrol the lands . the aforementioned concept art can be found here on D&D Beyond, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. The kenku Chukka and Clonk instantly recognize, walks. Good creatures in the cone take no damage. Dealing with hard questions during a software developer interview. In addition to guarding and policing the city itself, they patrol the lands of Elturgard. She also leveled up with the party. Can the Spiritual Weapon spell be used as cover? Given the age range of 13-19 you could make her 19 and still describe her as a "teenager", with 6 years of dedicated training under her belt to account for a CR3. Sheet creator documentation is available. Reya Mantlemorn has been a member of the Hellriders of Elturgard since she was old enough to join, and has defended her homeland from orcs and bandits and worse in her tenure. In Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus, on page 31, the character Reya Mantlemorn is introduced. Upon her return to Avernus, and visit Sylviras friend, Traxigor, a wizard who can use the plane shift spell to get them to Elturel. On Social Media: Roll20 is a Registered Trademark of The Orr Group, LLC. The true evil behind the theft was a black dragon that had been using a magical device to siphon energy from the holy artifact so that he, an enemy of Torm, could wield its power through a conduit. Should I add anything to the Veteran Stat block or should I justtransfer the Veteran Stat block to a character sheet for this guest player and brief them about Reya's backgroubnd. The portal snapped shut, trapping the generals with their remaining troops in Avernus between the demonic horde and the infernal legions. Then both of the hags eyes focus keenly on your group, and on, Arrival in Elturel A plane shift spell transports Traxigor the wizard and up to eight other creatures to Elturel, including. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Create an Account Deals Back She was able to shake one off, and fled into the city in disguise. [14][15] One early battle was to relieve Idyllglen from attack by Yeenoghu, gnolls, and demons. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. [11], It was said that every boy and girl of Elturel and the lands around dreamed of being a Hellrider some day, even those whose talents lay in the intellectual more than the martial arts. The citys cavalry rode across the land, striking down fiends wherever they found them and suffering fearful losses. Multiattack. Those determined to resign were given a final mission involving very difficult tasks, and even if they succeeded, and survived, they were stripped of their gear, exiled from the city, and named a heretic in the eyes of Helm, God of Guardians, for abandoning their post. The legions of Avernus trembled and buckled, but did not crumble. The Hellriders (also written as HellRiders and Hell Riders), and also known as the Riders of Elturel or simply the Riders, were an elite cavalry unit who acted as the primary armed force of the city of Elturel in the Western Heartlands in the 14th and 15th centuries DR. Elturel was swiftly liberated from their dead grip. 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