Closure of my school/college We negotiate on all matters of pay and conditions of service on behalf of school teachers with local authority and government representatives within theScottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers. Your money goes toward something you dont want. Definition and Examples. Most districts are entrenched with one affiliate and so it can be tough to join another one. Should I cover classes or other responsibilities for colleagues taking industrial action if I am offered additional pay or time off elsewhere? It is a matter for the employer to base any planning and risk assessments on the information that has been supplied to them. As a result. Can I refuse to cover for other colleagues who are taking part in industrial action? Closure of my childs school/college I have facility time on the strike day. If the school is scheduled to be wholly or partly open on the day of the strike and the headteacher/principal does not attend for work on that date, the deputy/vice-principal should carry out their normal responsibilities in deputising for the headteacher/principal. How to Opt Out of the NJEA. Cover refers to taking a class or group assigned to another teacher who is absent for any reason. One of the most common methods for unionized teachers to place pressure on their administration during a contract negotiation is to strike. Another strike in 1987 in Homer, Illinois lasted for eight months. Teacher resignation dates and notice period. The truth is that members of staff dare not join forces to put forward how their workload is impacting their lives. Employees are entitled to self-certify for the first seven days of sickness absence, following which a fit note will be required. These include: When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. NASUWT members should not agree to timetable variations to accommodate classes or provide work for the classes for teachers undertaking industrial action. They come together as one, speaking for their masses, in order to collectively bargain on matters such as compensation, sick time, and paid time off. If a person wishes to leave a union, they can do so at any time. It's condescending, he said, to praise a student for the minimum. In states where you are not essentially forced to join a teachers union, then it becomes an individual choice as to whether you want to join a union or not. Union membership is an individuals choice. [ANSWER: FALSE] The Janus ruling had no effect on collective bargaining. Subscribe for just 1 per month for the next 3 months to get unlimited access to all Tes magazine content. This also stands for early action applications. I am an NASUWT activist and have been invited to attend and speak at another union's strike rally. Contact the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas) if you have any questions about trade union membership. Unless school leaders inform you that the school is closed or cannot provide a place, then you still have a legal duty to send your children to school unless they are unwell. Looking for your next role? We're talking about 2 to 4 percent who are demonstrably ineffective." He added,. Indeed, the DfE guidance Handling strike action in schools. As well as calling for industrial action, influencing government policy and campaigning for better conditions, the unions also offer their members legal and financial advice, and insurance. ), retired teachers, college students in education programs, and substitute teachers. When I ask what provoked the crying, most stories are about teachers who threaten to give students bad grades and students who do not care. We must continue to stand together to demand the repeal of anti-trade union laws. Employees may take advantage of outside assistance, though. 3. If you are anNASUWT member working in Northern Ireland, you can email the Northern Ireland National Centre for support, advice and information. During the past two years alone, public-sector unions in the Keystone State have lost more than $2 million in annual dues revenue from public employees resigning their union membership. The effort is part of a three-year, $14 million plan to get devices in the hands of every student in the third grade and beyond. In Inner London the starting salary is more; at least 34,500. Some teachers may be on picket lines or may join marches demonstrating for a better pay deal. They can get on with their own planning and marking. Our movement is stronger where we work together in the interests of all of our members. Remote learning can be organised asynchronously, where pupils engage with work set in advance by their teacher or through access to recorded resources. In today's lawsuit-happy society, this protection alone can be worth becoming a member. If any member was subject to punitive action as a result of being ill on a day of industrial action, the NASUWT would robustly challenge this by all means available. Under health and safety legislation, your employer has a legal duty to ensure that your school/college is safe to open. Every year I ask my college class how many students have seen a high school teacher cry, and most students raise their hands. Members can ensure they do not undermine colleagues in other unions by ensuring that they: do not co-operate with employers if you are asked to confirm in advance whether you will be available to work on the day of a strike. Multi-academy trusts, though, which have more staff to draw on, potentially from across geographical regions, may have more luck finding current staff who can be parachuted in for a days cover. Teachers who receive consistent representation can earn about 10% more than what non-union employees earn. Members requiring professional support out of hours should contact their Local Association Secretary or National Executive Member. For more information visitthe NAHT website, Our philosophy of putting teachers first means that we will campaign on your behalf, and support and represent you to ensure that you are recognised and rewarded as a highly skilled professional and have working conditions which enable you to focus on your core role of teaching, leading teaching and learning. People do not stay involved for a long time if there is no real input available to them. Employees who want to vote a union out must circulate a petition calling for a decertification election. The responsibility of school and college leaders is to ensure that the school/college can open safely for any pupils and staff who may be on site. There have been no strikes announced in private schools. It should be noted that these are referred to as voluntary or optional and, as such, there is no requirement for you to respond. Teachers unions provide several discount program opportunities, including life insurance benefits, credit card opportunities, mortgage assistance, etc. Headteachers/principals will need to make a judgement about whether the school/college can remain fully open, partially open, i.e. Short answer: they don't. But striking teachers often receive a bit of financial help during a strike from money they themselves have already paid to their unions. It is therefore right that members show their solidarity with colleagues in other unions when they are taking industrial action. The DfEsHandling strike actionguidance says,on page five: While employees are not required to tell their employers whether they intend to take strike action, employers are able to ask staff in advance if they intend to strike.. This is because teachers unions are a powerful entity. Public unions can spend monetary resources on non-educational needs. Can members be required to report to their workplace if the school/college is closed to pupils during industrial action by other unions? There must be enough flexibility within the union itself to allow for helpful changes without disregarding salary, benefit, or safety expectations. The union will still negotiate wages, benefits, hours and working conditions with employers, and all employeesregardless of union membership statuswill be covered by the union contract. Members are strongly advised not to provide such information if they are requested to do so. Membership of the TUC also commits unions to take steps to ensure that they are not poaching members of another unions, whether intentionally or otherwise. Where teachers are employed under the School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document, however, they cannot be compelled to provide cover for other teachers during industrial action, it says. If I refuse a written instruction to undertake the work of other colleagues who are taking industrial action, what are the possible consequences? Derrick Meador, M.Ed., is the superintendent for Jennings Public Schools in Oklahoma. I got QTS ages ago, but have never done my induction year. Joining a teachers union gives power to the bargaining position of the union for contract and labor negotiations. Can schools negotiate with unions on who is included in strikes? Can NASUWT members be directed to a supervisory role? The NEU stands up for the future of education by bringing together more than450,000 teachers, lecturers, support staff and leaders working in maintained and independent schools and colleges across the UK. An employer or employment agency is not allowed to insist that you: Your employer is not allowed to dismiss you or choose you for redundancy because you: Your employer must not treat you unfavourably (for example refusing you promotion or training opportunities) if you: You may be able to use a grievance procedure or go to an employment tribunal if you think your employer has treated you unfairly because of your trade union membership. Alexandra Bradbury, who is the co-director and editor of Labor Notes, write this observation in March 2018. Members might be asked to show up at a rally, phonebank, knock on doors, or have their photo in the union newsletter, but they are not part of making the strategy. If you have received a written instruction you should register your protest, but then comply with the instruction to protect yourself. This guidance applies to all members across the UK unless otherwise stated. The Education Hub is a site for parents, pupils, education professionals and the media that captures all you need to know about the education system. Any request by your employer to perform the duties of a colleague who is participating in official strike action is not acceptable and would not constitute a reasonable management instruction. Communities do not have the right to send their own representative to work with teachers, administrative staff, and governing officials to advocate for themselves. The NFER study asked teachers why they had joined a union and by far the most popular response was "support if there was a problem at work", cited by 72% of teachers. However, the NASUWT does not believe it makes much sense for those not taking action to be instructed to attend if all pupils are remaining at home. Youll find accessible, straightforward information on popular topics, Q&As, interviews, case studies, and more. The two biggest national unions include: Most teachers unions offer membership to a variety of roles within schools. Staff employed to provide cleaning, catering or other premises services. The law states that a strike or other industrial action will be unofficial in relation to an employee unless they are: a member of a trade union and the action is authorised or endorsed by that union; or. Members of a union that has not authorised or endorsed industrial action but who choose to strike would be taking unofficial strike action, which could result in the employer taking disciplinary action against them. All teacher unions are fighting for better pay for teachers and headteachers. There is no requirement or obligation for NASUWT members to advise their employer whether they will be in work or not ahead of the day of any strike action. And that's the point: there is no retort. Can my employer refuse to accept partial performance? How a days pay is calculated is outlined in new government guidance, Handling strike action in schools. Wednesday 1 March 2023: all eligible members in the following English regions: Thursday 2 March 2023: all eligible members in the following English regions: How many staff and schools will be impacted? Members requiring professional support out of hours should contact their Local Association Secretary or National Executive Member. If union substitution represents the carrot, union suppression techniques are the stick. NASUWT members should not suffer any salary deduction if the school closes. In some schools there may be little or no impact from strike action but in others it may mean that changes are made to the way they operate. It ultimately comes down to whether or not you believe the pros of joining a teachers union outweigh the cons. On page 17 it explains that pay deductions should be made on the basis of 1/365th of their annual salary for each day of strike action. There should be no expectation for NASUWT members to set or mark work or teach the pupils of those teachers from other unions who are taking industrial action. What should I do if I need to stay at home because my childs school is closed due to strike action by another union? Members requiring professional support out of hours should contact their Local Association Secretary or National Executive Member. What's Next? Members requiring professional support out of hours should contact their Local Association Secretary or National Executive Member. ), 2023 NASUWT all rights reserved It is also possible to belong to two unions, or to belong to a union that has called a strike and decide to not take part in the strike action. The NASUWT is aware that some schools are seeking to prevent teachers with caring responsibilities from taking the necessary leave, citing the fact that action by another union is foreseeable. (You will need to log in to see your personalised information. Do I have to set cover/amalgamate class groups - again I am concerned about the health and safety implications? Emergency planning and response for education, childcare and childrens social care settings, What you need to know about changing schools during the year, UCAS applications deadline what you need to know, How we are ensuring school uniforms are affordable for families. What should I do? "We're not saying most teachers are ineffective. Members are strongly advised not to provide such information if they are requested to do so. Thursday 16 March 2023: all eligible members in England and Wales. But other places have taken. Fill out your information on the form to the right and select your state. There are many valid reasons that you should consider joining a union. It's illegal for a person to pressure another person about their choice to join or not join a union. Teachers receive annual pay rises through an independent pay review process, and many teachers also see greater uplifts by progressing up the pay scales. The NASUWT rejects any attempts by employers to undermine official industrial action by any trade union or any attempt to seek to deploy NASUWT members to undermine industrial action by a sister trade union. (You will need to log in to see your personalised information. Members must not cover the work of other employees who are taking part in official industrial action. Those can include: Even if you live in a state where they cannot legally force your hand to join a union, you may find yourself being pressured to do so by other teachers. Read on to learn of some information about Teacher's Unions. In some cases, it is not a choice at all. The NASUWT headteacher/principal may wish to confirm that figure with the Workplace Representative of the relevant union but should not ask for the names of individual teachers who are taking strike action. Employer requests for information Where safety concerns cannot be addressed, such mitigation as necessary should be considered, including determining whether it is safe for the school to open during the period of industrial action. Members should also consider that: by ending your membership of the NASUWT in order to take part in strike action with members of other unions, you could be at risk of disciplinary action by your employer; leaving the NASUWT to join another union could also remove the rights you have accrued as a member of the NASUWT, including your right to legal support and representation for any employment-related matters that relate to the period in which you were a member of the NASUWT.